Thursday, December 10, 2009

Describe what would be the perfect amount of make up?: how do you do your makeup in the morning?

foundation eye shadow blush mascara and eyeliner!!Describe what would be the perfect amount of make up?: how do you do your makeup in the morning?
day time- foundation, mascara, eyeshadow, chapstick

night time/ special event- foundation, mascara, eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick/ gloss, blush

if you are in a hurry simply wear mascara, it gives your face a chic feminine feel.Describe what would be the perfect amount of make up?: how do you do your makeup in the morning?
I don't wear a lot. usually just some eyeliner and mascara. I don't wanna overdo it. sometimes cover-up, and occasionally blush.
what I do every morning:

1. wash my face with warm water

2. lightly brush on some powder foundation, one shade lighter than my skin tone

3. highlight the apples of my cheeks with a pink blush

4. put on a color of eyeshadow

5. pencil on some gray eyeliner on the inside of my lower lashline (gray = a little less severe than black. I swear by it!)

6. sweep on some black mascara
i use Dinair Airbrush Makeup...i use it as my concealer/foundation, blush, eyeshadow, and bronzer...then i use some all looks super natural...its also all water based so its not bad for ur skin..ive been using it for the past 2 years and i LOVE it....anywho...hope i helped....=)
i wear: foundation powder blush mascara chapstick or sometimes a rosy pinky lipgloss
here's everything I use in the morning when I do my makeup


face primer



finishing powder

blush or bronzer

highlight( sometimes)

eye primer

eyeshadow (more than just 1 of course)



this is what i do every morning!

1. wet my face and wash it i sometimes dont do this tho i get lazy!

2. curl my eyelashes

3. apply mascara on top and botom lashes

4. comb out the clumps in my lashes with a eyelash comb

5. curl my eyelashes again

6. apply more mascara and

keep doing number 5 and 6 til i feel that my lashes are perfect

7. put a little bit of concealer on all my spots

8. put a little bit of eyeliner on lower waterline-i only do this sometimes either i wear eyeliner or eye shadow

9. put a little bit of neutral eyeshadow on to cover up the veins on my eyelids

10. put on some lip gloss

My routine:

Curl lashes

Clear mascara

Concealer if I have a spot

Lip balm

-Put on moisturizer.

-You can put on foundation if you have acne. Apply it in a swirling motion.

-Get concealer and put a big dot on under eye circles. Use a rolling motion.

-Get liquid eyeliner and apply it on your upper lashline. Wipe off any eyeliner thats on your lid.

-Get primer and apply on lid and brow bone.

-Get black eye kajal and waterline bottom 1/3 or 2/3 in. Waterline the top until your eyelashes stop. The top might be hard to waterline. Make sure you don't poke yourself!

-Get mascara (not a big fan) and gently stroke lashes.

-Get blush or bronzer (dont care about this). Apply on each cheek 3 times. Add a little on forehead, chin, and nose.

-Finish with light lip gloss! (don't like this either)
Well I just started doing make-up and am waiting for school to start before I do anything with my face right now im just trying to get rid of my acne first before putting that mess on.

But here's I plan to do.

Wash my face with some cleanser

Use some toner to brighten up the face

Spray some fix plus( well mine isn't fix plus but I call it that cause it works just the same)

Put some Maybeline dream liquid mousse on my hand and blend it into my face till it looks even.

Powder face

Spray some more fix plus to set it off.

Apply LITTLE blush cause I only have pinkish colors and im dark skinned so it wouldn't look right.

Then put some good mascara on.

Apply tiny bit of gloss.

AND done!!! I would apply eyeliner but Im not experianced in that yet.

The perfect amount of make-up is light coverage as in not all over top just enough to make you look natural. you prefer the looking perfect w. lots of makeup look or the natural look?

I would take natural over make up anytime. A girls full of makeup says to me that she is;

High maintenance


Going with her looks intead of her intelligence

And a headache waiting to happen.

Secondly, did you ever try kissing someone full of makeup, it don't taste good and sticks to your you prefer the looking perfect w. lots of makeup look or the natural look?
this is a reply to when you asked me to design you an outfit:

you asked for casual so i gave you dark, naturual colors with cute little accessories. totally cute and comfy!





enjoy! you prefer the looking perfect w. lots of makeup look or the natural look?
If she is naturally pretty (I don't mean absolutely stunningly gorgeous) then natural look. Even if she is like a 5 or 6 out of 10 I prefer natural look

Hilary duff's makeup in the perfect man?

How would I do my makeup to look like Hilary Duff on the cover of The Perfect Man?鈥?/a>

(click on the picture for a closer view)Hilary duff's makeup in the perfect man?
1) Wash your face

2) Apply a light-weight mineral powder that matches your skin tone

3) Take dark brown eyeliner and line around you whole eye.

4) Smudge your eyeliner a little bit on the outer corners of your eyes.

5) Apply two coats of dark brown mascara.

5) Dust brown eyeshadow on your lids.

6) Apply a golden pink blush to the apples of your cheeks.

7) Wear a neutral pink lip gloss to top it all off.

I hope this helps!

:)Hilary duff's makeup in the perfect man?
buy a magazine it has all the tips.. i did and now i no how to put perfect make up like the super stars

DiorSkin Icone Photo Perfect Creme-To-Powder Makeup

I would like to try this makeup but considering it costs $42.00 im a little sketch on if the product will work.

looking at the price, yeah it should work great. ha, but anyone ever try any makeup by Dior?

the advertisement sounds spectacular. so idk...

heres the website...鈥?/a> DiorSkin Icone Photo Perfect Creme-To-Powder Makeup
Look at these reviews:鈥?/a>

^Scroll down.鈥?/a>

DiorSkin Icone Photo Perfect Creme-To-Powder Makeup
I basically only have make up from Dior.

It is perfect. Seriously.

It may be a little pricey but it's worth it.

I say BUY IT !

  • beaded necklace
  • When is the perfect age for a child to wear makeup?

    i think 7th grade(entering jr high)When is the perfect age for a child to wear makeup?
    There is no perfect age. It is a matter for parents to decide based on the maturity of the kid.When is the perfect age for a child to wear makeup?
    when they can pay 4 it themselves.

    Just don't let them look like Mimi on the Drew Carey Show lol
    Depends what kind of makeup they are wearing and for what occassion. There is lip gloss, then blush, then eye shadow and mascara. There are recitals, proms, parties, dates,etc. Different makeup...different occassion...different ages.
    child + make up = bad idea. maybe a teenager.
    12 to 15
    LIGHT eyeliner, a little blush, and lip gloss--6th or 7th grade (depending on maturity of the child).

    Darker eyeliner, blush, lip gloss, mascara, etc.--8th grade.

    ';The works'; (tastefully, that is)--9th-12th grade.
    I think 14 is a good age.
    What is perfect, There is no perfect nothing! We should all aspire for perfection but we do that till we die. Children should not be encouraged to wear makeup except if they were about 7 and in a play. Other than that my kid under 13 has to stay away. natural is best. Why spoil their natural beauty for fake stuff. Lip gloss is o.k but forget the rest until 16 years old.
    My daughter is 11. She wears a little powder to control facial oils, and sometimes she wears tinted lip gloss. She tried the eyeshadow, but she said she felt like she was drawing attn. to herself. There is so much beauty in youth. Why alter it?
    lip gloss any age

    13-14 lip gloss and a little eye and blush you need to control how she looks a makeup check every time she leaves the house..
    when the child becomes old and has to camouflage the age and all
    it's not a perfect age. whenever u feel like doing it...
    For a child? Well I think play make up is ok with 8 or 10. But if you mean ';When is it ok for them to start wearing make-up regularly (during the day, to school, etc)?'; I would say 16 or 17. I think it's so horrible when you see 10 and 12 y/os wearing make-up and earings. They look like little tarts. I would never let my child go out like that.

    Perfect semi formal makeup!?

    okay, so that is a pic of me with absolutely no makeup on. can someone please help me figure out what kinda makeup i should wear for my semi formal tomorrow night. my dress is short %26amp; black with spagetti straps %26amp; i'll be wearing silver shoes. it would be great if you could include speicific products, colors, pics, videos ext.

    thankss! 鈾?(:Perfect semi formal makeup!?
    this would look great %26lt;3

    heres a video with a tuturiol ;]

    hope this helps semi formal makeup!?
    dark mascara, dark brown eyeshadow close to the lashes, foundation (your tone or lighter) across nose and cheeks, blush

    formal and it dosen't look like too much
    what is this ?

    Ladies!>>> what is the best, most picture-perfect & smudge-proof brand of makeup to wear on my wedding day?

    Try to contact a photographer or makeup stylist that does airbrush makeup. I had it done by my photographer for my senior pictures and it was fantastic! It was extremely light made my skin look flawless! It's a little costly (probably around 25 to 50 dollars depending on where you live) but it's definetely worth the cost...As for mascara, any waterproof brand is good.Ladies!%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; what is the best, most picture-perfect %26amp; smudge-proof brand of makeup to wear on my wedding day?
    Bare Minerals is great if used correctly...highly recommend it. It is what I plan to use...have used it for a year or so now and it's really great stuff. You can get a good starter kit (that will last you for quite a while) at You will get an instructional cd with it...and you will have no problems. Good luck!Ladies!%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; what is the best, most picture-perfect %26amp; smudge-proof brand of makeup to wear on my wedding day?
    Clinique cream to powder, at Belk, happy wedding day!
    M.A.C its the best. Congrads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i had great luck with physican's formula. for mascara, my mom swears by max factor 2000 calorie in waterproof. it doesn't go anywhere unless she actually washes it off or uses makeup remover.
    Smashbox. It is sold at Marshall Fields - now called Masy's.

    What do you think is the perfect age for makeup?

    By makeup, I mean like anything; Eyeliner, Mascara, Foundation, Eyeshadow, Lipstick, Blush, etc. and not just ';A tad of this and maybe just a little gloss';.

    I see many people saying some ages are too young for makeup, yet most people have started way earlier than that, and as ';hard as it is to believe';, a 11+ year old is responsible enough to wear makeup.

    When I was 12, I was doing most of the chores around the house, babysitting, volunteering, and making straight As. In my eyes, I believe that's responsible enough just to wear make-up.

    Yet, many still think girls should only wear makeup after they're 16 or 17.

    What do you think is the perfect age, and why?What do you think is the perfect age for makeup?
    I agree, I think 13 and up. Not because when your 11 your not mature enough. When I think your 11 or 12 you should still look youthful. Your suppose to look young but i think what people mean by mature is that they shouldnt look so mature. At 11 I think there is no way they should look as though they are 17.What do you think is the perfect age for makeup?
    Whenever you want,

    everyone is entitled to their own choices...

    I'm 15 turning 16 and I just wear eyeliner/mascara and blush on most days, occasionally eyeshadow...

    I started wearing a bit of mascara sometimes in 7th grade and then started wearing it everyday in 8th grade, and then added eyeliner and mascara to my makeup in 9th grade... Now I'm in 10nth grade and wear mascara eyeliner and blush..
    i think the perfect age for makeup is when the go to highschoo l(so 14+) I say this because no girl should feel as though they have to wear makeup in order to look beautiful. A young girl may see makeup as a way to look pretty and then their self confidence of themself naturally will decline and they will feel like they have to wear makeup in order to look nice. An older girl can realize that makeup is not necessary and is only for accenting your natural beauty
    16. You can be a mature 13 year old but make -up makes you look older and people will treat a 13 year old as if they are older, exposing them to influences they might not be ready for. You can be responsible, that isn't the issue, it's how other people will treat you.

    With a whole life ahead in which to be an adult, take your time to be a kid.
    I think that you could wear make-up when your 12 as long as they dont make it look bad if you know what i mean. I'm 12 and I wear make-up and my mom says I look fine. I think 12 is when girls are mature enough to start wearing make-up but for some girls i would say 13.
    i saw girls wearing makeup at 10 and 11 years old. loads of foundation. i wonder what their skin will look like in the future *shudders* i think when you hit high school [14] is the perfect age
    15 or 16.

    I'm sixteen and I just barely started to wear mom only let me wear eyeliner and a bit of foundation before that.
    12-13 is fine
    13 up
    um....14/15 when youre in highschool just remember less is more
    In my opinion, I think a girl shouldn't wear make-up till 16 or 17. And when I say make-up, I mean like the works, not just a little gloss, and some mascara and foundation. I don't know, I think sometimes seeing girls any younger than that is kind of odd. The girl can look like she's trying to hard to be older and not look her age, and at times a bit silly. I think 16 or older is a better age because then she's is less a kid and more of a woman. Her body is developing, and she's entering woman-hood, meaning full body developing and the works, you know? But of course this is just my opinion =)
    i think that when 14 is an ok age to start wearing make up on special occasions or going out to dance parties or whatever. but i don't think tonnes of eyeliner is ok, just a bit for fun.

    16+ i think it's ok to wear it whenever you want.

    what makes me think this is girls shouldn't feel like they need to wear it, we should encourage them to feel beautiful the way they are and not like they should always be trying to change themselves. too many girls have eating disorders and self esteem issues because society says they're too fat, not pretty enough, etc, etc. so i think parents and everyone else should be encouraging girls to be happy with themselves and not forever trying to look better with make up and diets.

    How do certain women get that ';perfect'; face or makeup job, and always look perfect?

    This one gal I know has skin that looks like PURE velvet or peachy looking.. I mean her skin is SOO perfect, and she is always dressed JUST right and is always done up. How do these women do it? Is there some kinda trick? I mean it's like they're smacked with a perfect stick... The nice face, hair, clothes. It seems they know how to do everything JUST right.. Is it possible for us other ladies to ';do it right';?

    HELP!How do certain women get that ';perfect'; face or makeup job, and always look perfect?
    Some people are just gifted and make everything look perfect and stuff. When I was like 11 I knew someone who was perfect in every single way and now im like.. wtf. How did they even KNOW what they were doing and how perfect it was.

    Anyway. Maybe learn a bit about fashion I guess. The skin.. healthy eating, good care routine I guess.

    I dont think theres a trick or anything, but I wanna buy one of those perfect sticks xDHow do certain women get that ';perfect'; face or makeup job, and always look perfect?
    Anyone can do it right!

    It just takes time and desire to do it!
    i know how u feel =/

    i think the same thing all the time.
    I use Apricot scrub to remove all the dead skin. use moisturize and invest in an airbrush/makeup. I use ( ) it goes on very light and looks flawless. And alot of practice makes perfect.

    Can't find my perfect shade of makeup anywhere, can anyone shed some light?

    I have very fair skin. To be more precise, it's the most pale i've ever seen lol. The problem is, i have trouble finding makeup. I've tried mineral makeup, i've tried mousse. I've used the lightest shades possible and I still come out with my face darker than everything else.

    Sometimes even a bit orange looking, even though it's ivory makeup.

    Do you know of any place I could find the right foundation for my color?

    And... i'm not open to wearing bronzer lol I like my fair skin I just can't find my shade anywhere :/Can't find my perfect shade of makeup anywhere, can anyone shed some light?
    I would try asian brands, such as shiseido, since they cater to populations where fair is the ideal, i've also heard clinique is good (from my very, very fair friend, well fairer then me, which is saying something).Can't find my perfect shade of makeup anywhere, can anyone shed some light?
    I would recomend trying ur search more online, u can find more there than any department store, but the Cover Girl tru blend is pretty good with working with all complections without an oranging effect. But I would try more online....
    you should try tinted moisturiser, Estee Lauder and Benefit do one that adapts to all shades
    go to your local make up shop and get them to test some of the tester on you....
  • beaded necklace
  • Perfect semi formal makeup!?

    okay, so that is a pic of me with absolutely no makeup on. can someone please help me figure out what kinda makeup i should wear for my semi formal tomorrow night. my dress is short %26amp; black with spagetti straps %26amp; i'll be wearing silver shoes. it would be great if you could include speicific products, colors, pics, videos ext.

    thankss! 鈾?(:Perfect semi formal makeup!?
    Here are two good videos:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    My advice would be to wear some silvery or violet eyeshadow and black or violet eyeliner. Violet would look really pretty with your skin tone, but it's not as common. This makes your eyes appear sexy, but not overdone. Add a volumizing mascara, preferrably Maybelline product mascaras. Then just wear a lip gloss with some sort of glitter or shine in it. Add glitter if you wish.

    Makeup to look perfect?

    I see all these girls that have fakeup that makes there skin look perfect. I've tried Mac, Clinique,,, I Only have a problem with the eyeliner and liquid makeup. I need an eyeliner that does not smear by the end of the night. I cannot wear liquid either. I've tried waterpfroof and everything.. I need a liquid makeup that looks flawless and perfect and the ame 8 hours later. ThanksMakeup to look perfect?
    Sweetie, I don't think what kind of eyeliner matters it's how you use it. I wear mostly natural looking makeup but my face has all this stuff on it. I've gotten many compliments on it. My secret? I read and studied the book from IMAN:The Beauty of Color. If you want essential advice on make-up, skin, what goes with what skin color and more PLEASE READ THIS BOOK. You shouldn't be disappointed. :-)Makeup to look perfect?
    uhm...for the eyeliner problem...I would recommend that you but a little bit of powder under the eyeliner (even if it is a little bit of baby powder). The powder will keep under your eye area dry and therefore the make-up shouldn't smudge. Just make sure to check up on it throughout the day. For the makeup problem...I'd recommend that you use powder foundation because it looks more natural and when you sweat its okay and doesn't look cakie. Always remeber that more is less...and less is more. Best wishes
    try smashbox eyeliner. You can get it from also, try using a bit of powder under where you apply your liner. this will help keep it dry, and will help prevent smudging. Also, clinique is good.
    hello...I'm Italian!!!!but i speak English.

    try with the new eyeliner ';loreal';...


    ciao sono italiana.

    non so se ho capito la tua domanda.spero di italia va tutto bene.vado al liceo classico.ho quindici anni.buona cena e buona notte.
    Have you tried Clinique mechanical eyeliner? I use really black and I love it!! Its so dark and stays that way and stays only on my lash line from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. I come home from the gym and it is still on, maybe a bit lighter by that point, but still doesnt smudge. I wa son a mission to find a smudge-free eyeliner and finally found it and won't try another ever.

    As for makeup, you should relaly try powder, its less cakey, have you tried Bare Escentuals? Heard such good things and finally bought it yesterday and this morning I feel so beautiful!! I'm hooked.
    I suggest MAC Fluidline Gel Liner applied with a small flat headed brush. It is very easy to apply. Other cosmetic lines make gel liner as well. Good luck!
    Try setting your pencil liner with eyeshadow the same color as the liner. After applying the liner, take a lining brush and go over the liner with the powder. I also dust Bare Minerals powder foundation over my liquid foundation for a coverage but glowing look. ( I only use that trick at night.) During the day I have a more sheer natural look.

    How does she get her makeup so perfect?

    Its not just the lighting or anything coz I see her inside and out frequently and its always nice :(How does she get her makeup so perfect?
    By caking it on and smudging and smearing it to look good.

    It's all pretty fake looking,

    Pefrect makeup is subtle.

    You can tell how fake it looks in the 3rd picture. Notice where the forhead meets the hair line--- notice the obvious color change. No one would call that perfect.How does she get her makeup so perfect?
    ask here idiot
    She puts a lot on by the looks of things, too much really.

    Better off more natural.
    Don't worry about what she looks like. She could get professionals to do it.

    If i was you i wouldn't worry about other people and worry about how you look. If you want make up like hers than print a picture and go to a beautician and ask them if they know how she does it.

    If i was you just do your makeup how you do it.

    And her makeup may not be perfect to other people.
    It is very nice, but she does wear loads!

    She must have good skin underneath aswell, so get a good skincare regime first.
    She probably spends like an hour making sure it's done right. I just put my make up on and I use a blush brush foe my blush when I'm done that way you can't see the mistakes that I did
    i wouldnt call it perfect,

    more like over-the-top
    personally i think she wears way too much of it, she only looks young, theres no need to be wearing that much at that age it just looks tarty.
    Yes she looks gorgeous do you want to look like her?
    thats 2 much makeup

    i would rater her be natural than so fake looking
    she is a really pretty girl i cant c y she is wearing so much...x

    i use to do the whole tango'ed thing when i was young but i grew out of it by the time i was 15-16...x

    get her to buy a lighter colour it looks far too dark...x

    you will learn hunni...x

    can u answer mine...x
    it looks liks you could peel the makeup off her face! That's really kinda gross looking
    Ipersonally think she has the wrong colour foundation on, but hey, thats not answering your question.

    Try a matte foundation, and go over it with a 2 in 1 powder (ie foundation and powder in one), try maybe using a bronzer.

    The eyeliner can be acheived using a chunky eyeliner pencil (Barry M makes one) or just using lots of a normal khol liner.

    Also a good skin care regime, she looks like she has good skin underneath it all.
    How come every time someone asks how to achieve 'perfect makeup' the pictures they poste are always of girls who are painted like 拢5 whores!?.

    That is NOT PERFECT!!!
    she probably spends time, then tops it up through the day?

    i dunno, why dont you do the genius thing and actually ask her..? =S
    Don't be offended, but her makeup looks ridiculous. All she did is rim her entire eye with a very thick line of eyeliner and in the one picture she has on black eyeshadow too. I will assume you are one of the other girls in the pics, in which case BOTH of those girls are prettier and have better makeup than the eyeliner queen. Try going on You Tube and search for makeup tutorials. There are tons of great videos on there where girls show you how to do perfect eye makeup (all types from natural to emo to totally wild colors).
    lol, the last pic is a horrible pic of both of yall!

    but she prob spends half an hour if not more doin makeup
    It's not perfect,I'm sorry.

    Her foundation is too dark and you see the line round her forehead.

    Perfect skin and makeup...?

    does anyone know how to get perfect colored and clear skin fast? not by buying Clean and Clear or any of those things.. just like way's you've come up with.

    or do you have any cheap makeup tricks?

    thanks :)Perfect skin and makeup...?
    for clear skin without buying products is toothpaste i tired it and it did help you feel it working on your skin. and for cheap makeup if you want an eye makeup removeful use ovily oil also if you want to save your lipgloss you can get a cup and hot water, put your lipgloss in the hot water leave it there for a while and you can have more lipgloss.Perfect skin and makeup...?
    It depends how bad your skin is. If you have bad acne, sorry but you WILL have to buy some products to clear it up.

    If not then just wash your face on a regular basis :)

    You could make a papaya facial mask and it's good for blemishes, smooth skin, ect.

    You could use a face primer (looks like clear foundation) as a base to smoothen out and blends in your foundation, concealer and everything else. Revlon sells a smoothing primer, it's not pricey :)
    You have to be born with great skin, I guess.
    put wet flour on your face and it could be like a mud mask
    idk maybe if u drink a lot of water

    Why does she need makeup if she has perfect complexion?

    A Lot of people has said she has perfect complexion. But very few agree on here.

    Which part of the face should she focus makeup on?;current=100_0746.jpgWhy does she need makeup if she has perfect complexion?
    She can get a haircut that will shape her face better. But I would also accentuate the eyes. Using green shadows on brown eyes looks very nice. She should use a very subtle blush and maybe a pale lip gloss. But she doesn't NEED to do any of that.Why does she need makeup if she has perfect complexion?
    put on some black eyeliner not too much and some nice eyeshadow and some blush. put a light lipstick on. like a nude brown or pink. and curl hair or a ponytail. and you will see a world of a difference.
    She needs to do something with those eyebrows. I would also suggest a good haircut or pull the hair off the face. Then some brown eyeliner and mascara. Neutral eyeshadow and lip color.

    Finally a faint blush, just a hint of color. However, if she is happy with her looks then leave it be, her opinion is what matters.
    Makeup is meant to accentuate your features, not cover up complexion imperfections. For this muse, I would say definitely using different kinds of eye makeup to draw attention to the lovely brown eyes, as well as doing something to add a little (not much!) color to the cheeks and lips. Keep lip/cheek makeup subdued and use bolder colors and strokes around the eyes.
    She could probably play her eyes up a bit as they are a nice shape and pretty colour, and may use some tinted moisturiser to blend in blemishes....
    ponytail and eye make up would do much difference

    If a girl looks like a perfect 10 with makeup, do you expect her to put it on all the time?

    yes:)dIf a girl looks like a perfect 10 with makeup, do you expect her to put it on all the time?
    uhm usualy girls who are really prety with make up are still some what pretty with make up. but yes they will pribly be wearing make up all the time.If a girl looks like a perfect 10 with makeup, do you expect her to put it on all the time?
    No, beacause if she is a perfect ten with makeup then i'm sure she's probably an 8.5 without it and that's fine with me.
    You don't have to keep her in show case,she also need normal life without make ups.
    NO, only if she wants to wear makeup all the time.
    No, and you shouldn't. No girl wants to be told they'd look better with makeup on.
    Be prepared to get slapped if you suggest it.
  • beaded necklace
  • What is the perfect age 2 put on makeup?

    im 11 and i wear makeup is it right???What is the perfect age 2 put on makeup?
    I think 11 is too young wait till you're 13What is the perfect age 2 put on makeup?
    i started wearing makeup when i was 13, and it was only mascara and lipgloss. When i was about 16-17 did a bit more, mascara eyeliner lipgloss and a lil eyeshadow. I didnt start wearing a fullface of makeup like liquid foundation, blush, concealer till i was like 19....i think 11 is too young..but depends on what kind of makeup? what r u wearing? just lipgloss...that's alright i guess..but fullface or anything more then lipgloss i think it's too young. I'd say about 14
    11 is a good age why becuz when your ten u dont know much i just turned 12 and l learned much about makeup so its a good age it is right if you want 2 wear makeup if u want 2 its a good age if want 2 look pretty
    When I was 7 and 8 I used to play with little low quality makeup kits for fun. I would only wear it for a couple minutes of play then wash it off.

    When I was 11 however, I started wearing more professional mascara and lip gloss. That was it.
    yeah thats the perfect age.

    i started wearing makeup the day i started middle school.

    however dont wear it if you dont need it.

    a natural beauty is always better.
    the perfect age is when you start caring about your looks. Lol. I started caring when i was 12. I put on mascara. It doesn't matter what you put on though as long as you don't put on too much!
    I think that is a little to young for makeup. You are trying to grow up to fast. I think the appropiate age is about 15, once you start high school.
    I mean Lip gloss sure;

    But concealer foundation and stuff like that

    Mascara is ok;So is eyeliner

    But wait for the eye shadoww
    just a little makeup is good. I buy my 10 year old cousin those little girl makeup kits and she does it all the time with friends.I waited till i was 16 for big makeup not little girl kits.
    yeah that is fine by the way you shouldn't ask people how to live your life who cares what they think stuff them!

    Don't you just hate when in movies r programs a girl wakes up in the morning nd her makeup nd hair is perfect?

    Yeh, that really annoys me to! And wen like they have been outside in the rain and they come in and their hair is perfectly straight and dry and stuff lolDon't you just hate when in movies r programs a girl wakes up in the morning nd her makeup nd hair is perfect?
    Well I haven't really thought about it until now, but now that you mention it, I do realize that its annoying! Like no girl wakes up looking perfect, especially with the makeup. Even if they put on makeup the night before and wear it to bed (which is ew) and then it will still be gross when they wake up, even in reality shows! Its so annoying!

    -EricaDon't you just hate when in movies r programs a girl wakes up in the morning nd her makeup nd hair is perfect?
    Yes - and early morning kissing too. Only film where that was done right was ';America's sweethearts';.

    Imagine how much everyone's self esteem would improve if, even just for one week, all of the shows were done with no make-up at all, and no special hair styling, etc, etc.
    Totally, even the reality TV shows that do that anny me. So unrealistic! I know I def. do not look that good after sleeping through the night!
    Omg, I know! i hate it too! I wish I had a professional makeup and hair artist! :P
    Actually...I never really thought about it like that.... But yeah, it's unrealistic. lol.
    Yes, it is so annoying no one looks like that in real life when they wake up!
    Some people look really good in morning. I can barely see because my eyes are swollen shut. Hahaha!
    So what its; tv get the hell over it GOSHH
    i know. they wake up and they do that stupid yawn with the arms and stuff.

    who does that?

    haha, so true.
    All my girls look like that. Jealous?
    no, i laugh at it ;)

    How would i get my eye makeup like this? It looks so perfect.? would i get my eye makeup like this? It looks so perfect.?
    First off, get black eyeliner and black mascara and a light gold eyeshadow.

    Apply eyeshadow on lid.

    Then, apply the eyeliner on upper lid right above your lashes and go to the outer corner of your eye and make a cat-eye look. Then apply the eyeliner underneath your bottom lashes.

    Next, put about 3 coats of mascara on both lower and upper lashes.How would i get my eye makeup like this? It looks so perfect.?
    She's wearing thick mascara that looks chunky on her eyelashes so she probably just caked on a few layers, and she is wearing eyeliner directly on her eye line, not under the eye. So put it on the layer that is above your bottom eyelashes and put eyeliner directly on top of where the eyelash roots come out, for your upper eyelashes. Maybe use a light shiny eye shadow to dust off your eyelids and make it glow and pop out. Just experiment around, you can always wash it off and start again! Good luck!
    use a dark black mascara and a bit of gold eyeshadow! you'll look great.
    Go to a cosmetics counter with the picture, then practice until you get it the way you want. As you practice, you will no doubt discover some additional looks you like!
    You can do it yourself with just mascara and thick eyeliner. If your hand isn't steady then get someone you trust can do a good job to apply it for you. I do mine like that all the time.
    go to a mac store,

    theyll teach you.

    or any cosmetics counter.

    like at dillards or something.

    Well. My first impression is that picture is airbrushed/photoshopped.

    But it looks like she used a thick kind of cat-eyeliner and some bronze eyeshadow.

    Also you have really good taste for makeup cause that looks gorgeous (:

    Real face with couple of zit or perfect face with makeup?

    so my face without makeup has a couple of bumps on my forehead and couple of scars.

    if i use makeup i have a flawless face

    which one is better ?

    btw i/m 14Real face with couple of zit or perfect face with makeup?
    well flawless faces are always easy on the eyes. lol

    but none of us ARE flawless.

    so do whichever one is more comfortable for you :)

    %26amp; im 14 too! lolReal face with couple of zit or perfect face with makeup?
    If you want to look flawless, makeup is the way to go! I wish my foundation made my face flawless. Damn, I wish I knew what you use :)

    Sometimes makeup is annoying and can clog the skin so some days without makeup are great because you don't feel the urge to reapply, or if you wipe your face, you won't need to worry about ruining your makeup!!!
    Whichever one you feel most comfortable in is the best.

    This sounds somewhat biased though.
    Real! Your imperfections make you who you are. :]
    just use a little makeup
    Use a little makeup. Thats what my sister does. :]

    How can i get perfect skin that looks nice with makeup not with spots under the skin etc also i hate my teeth?

    Use products that are made of minerals, and not chemiclas. It may cost you more, but beauty is either painful or costly. Also, get a good facial lotion, Dove or Nivea, to moisturize after removal. Always take it off at night.

    Skin imperfections dont actually come from the makeup itself, it comes form the way you manage the makeup on your skin.

    I dont wear makeup, so i would really suggest you dont either, but to each his own (her own, whatever...)


    How can i get perfect skin that looks nice with makeup not with spots under the skin etc also i hate my teeth?
    well if u get a tan to get a tan u should go to boots and get one of those tanning creams or get the tanning oil, also if u get a tan ur teeth look white ,i have a tan and my teeth look white now .How can i get perfect skin that looks nice with makeup not with spots under the skin etc also i hate my teeth?
    Exfoliate your skin and this will stop spots from coming up and keep your skin looking healthy, also try and eat a good diet and drink loads of water that's also good for the skin :)


    Hows this for a blog name about makeup? superficially perfect?

    I love it! Post the address when you've got it up and running.Hows this for a blog name about makeup? superficially perfect?
    its kind of funny cause its so the stupid myspace groups that are like, PERFECTION, the beautifuls....and so on. kind a funny.Hows this for a blog name about makeup? superficially perfect?
    sounds concieted
  • beaded necklace
  • What is the perfect way to do eye makeup? FOR TEENS!?

    i am 14 and i dont kno how to do my eye makeup...


    I like the way britney snow does hers in JON TUCKER MUST DIE:))What is the perfect way to do eye makeup? FOR TEENS!?
    Try this tutorial from youtube (shows you the step-by-step process) for a great everyday look:鈥?/a>What is the perfect way to do eye makeup? FOR TEENS!?
    Well, it first of all depends on what eye colour u have..

    Green--- Green eyes are really fun to work with. They have such a wide color range from turqouise to chartreuse to forest green to bright light green and on and on.


    Try different browns, especially chocolate tones. Browns and dark greens with copper or gold highlights are also a great choice.

    Apricots and taupes are good choices for highlighters.

    Dark purples, plums and metallics work too. Coppers and golds will make a really glamorous evening look for makeup tips for green eyes. I personally really like the way deep purples look with dark green eyes.

    Colors To Avoid

    When you're learning makeup tips for green eyes, it also helps to know what colors you might want to avoid.

    First up, blues. Any color of blue doesn't do green eyes justice. I would recommend avoiding light blues, dark blues and even some colors (purples or pinks) with blue undertones.

    Pinks are also a hard color to judge. Some can look really, really good and others can look really, really bad. This is usually a matter of trial and error.

    Silvers are not a good choice either. Leave them for the blue eyes.

    Eyeliner Colors

    Unless you really like black eyeliner, it's usually a color to avoid. Try steely grays or chocolate browns. Use gold or white to open up the eye if your eyes are small.


    Choose an eye shadow that complements your blue eyes. Shades in the brown, rose and violet families are best. The warm hue of these shades contrasts with the cold tone of your blues to really make them pop. Use a shade that is darker in tone than your eye color to make your baby blues shine.


    2Select a brown shade of eyeliner. The harshness of traditional, black liner will take away from the natural beauty of blue eyes. Choose a dark or medium brown liner to highlight blue tones.


    3Use brown or brown/black mascara. Any mascara will naturally open and brighten your eyes. However, a natural, brownish shade will do it without drawing attention away from the blue color of your eyes.

    Blush and Lips:

    Apply a light or neutral tone blush and lip color. Keeping the rest of your makeup minimal will naturally draw attention to your eyes.


    Eye Makeup for Brown Eyes is pretty much unlimited. Lucky Brown Eyed Girls can wear just about any color and look great. You have more variety and choices than any other eye color.

    Because your eyes are darker, you can go darker with your eye makeup and look dramatic and mysterious, not like a clown.


    You can easily wear black mascara because your eyelashes are naturally dark. Although if you do have lighter hair and lashes, you might want to try a brownish black mascara. I love Navy Blue mascara with my brown eyes. I have black lashes naturally and with navy blue mascara, my lashes still look black, but somehow it seems to brighten or highlight my eyes.


    Brown Eyed Girls can also go dark with eye liner - black, dark brown or navy blue. I think darker eye liners do more to emphasize darker eyes, while lighter liners seem to just call attention to the makeup, not theeyes.


    Since you can wear almost any color, you always have the option of matching your eye shadow to your clothing. Otherwise you can go with neutrals like taupes and browns. Pink eyeshadow with a darker color in the crease will really make your eyes sparkle. Grey eyeshadows and liners look great and can give you a smokey eye look that is toned down enough for daytime wear.

    Metallics in the gold, bronze, brown and pink family look greatMy favorite eyeshadow look is to go with a neutral shimmery beige color on the lid and use a darker accent color - it can be darker brown, purple, dark blue or even green. If you are feeling adventurous, you can always match you purple eyeshadow with a dark purple eyeliner. (If it is too light or too purple it will not be flattering - it should look black from a distance.)


    If you got hazel eyes, and you could use a darkish pink colour all over, and then a brown in the crease and at the outer edges. you should apply them with a brush and it doesn't matter if they get mixed up. for special occasions a dot of pinky/gold in a small triangle in the centre of the lid just above the lashes doesn't go amiss either! a bit of cream or highlighter under the eyebrows too....

    Hope this helped and good luck--sorry for such a long answer LOL
    I'm 14 as well and I don't wear make up to school but on a day that I want to I use mascara, eye shadow and lip gloss (everything; everybody on YahooAnswers says a 14 year old should wear but not because they say we should but because I want to). It's light and simple and sooo not over the top. Watch John Tucker Must Die again and go over the scenes she looks good in and just try to resemble her look the best you can. Wear light but bright pretty colors (since it's almost summer time) and keep your make up very simple. (:

    Hope I helped. If you need to ask me anymore questions about ANYTHING my e-mail is (:
    black eyeliner seems popular.

    but i dont like wearing it.

    go for a more natural feel; mascara, brown eyeliner, maybe a pretty brown eyeshadow.

    or just wear mascara. its not to much but its still pretty (:
    i cant leave my house with out eyeliner mascara and a shimmery thick coat of a light rust make sure its bright and will make you stand out...
    you don't wanna do too dark...try some mascara %26amp; eyeshadows

    Perfect, Flawless Makeup?

    Okay. So I absolutley love makeup. I love using different colors, shades and trying glitter and what-not.

    But! I have one issue.

    My foundation, I want a flawless, streak-free look that will stay put!

    I have an oil-free foundation right now and it just isn't working.

    I put it on about 20 minutes before I leave my house for school, and then, by second period, it's gone! And my face looks blotchy and gross. (And my eyeliner is horrible too! :( It ';falls';, like a powder, right below my eye. Help on the liner would be great too. It's pencil by the way.)

    I use a sponge to apply it, I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but I want a foundation, concelor.. Whatever you want to call it, that doesn't look bad after a couple hours, stays on all day, and makes your skin look flawless.

    At this point, Im willing to do anything!

    Please help!Perfect, Flawless Makeup?
    I get a lot of compliments on my skin being so clear but truth be told I DO wear make up.

    However, I have foregone foundation. Its too heavy and hard to blend.

    I use Physicians Formula Concealer twins. It has a green side for toning down redness and a flesh side that conceals. Then I top it off with Rimmel powder.

    With make-up, less is more.Perfect, Flawless Makeup?
    Covergirl Aquasmooth it awesome it stays on a long time and also if you use a primer before you put on your foundation it will stay on a really long time, and make your makeup look good. Mac prep and prime and smashbox photo finish are really good. I like Mac prep %26amp; prime better. and make sure you set your foundation with powder. and for eyeliner avon glimmersticks works great it stays on all day but sometimes its hard to take off later.
    I always found powder compacts to work much better. I re-apply like once after putting it on in the morning. I use Almay %26amp; it covers nicely.

    As for eyeliner, try the kind you roll up, it's like in a little tube. It's not liquid, it's pencil. But it's thicker %26amp; seems to last a lot longer. The one I have is, I believe, Revlon.
    use maybelline base and for the eyeliner use liquid it works great!鈥?/a>
    I use almay for eyeliner. It's waterproof and hypoallergenic :)
    BareMinerals really does work! :)

    i LOVE it! :)
    Try using a Foundation Primer.
    REvlon colorstay
    you should try those bare mineral powder foundation. i use loreal bare naturale and it works pretty well...
    bare minerals or dual finish by lancome I like them both they don't feel too heavy on your skin
    YES Bare Minerals
    bare minerals or smart shade makeup by almay.

    If you want long-lasting, streak-proof foundation, i suggest you to try either Revlon Colorstay Liquid Makeup or Clinique Superfit Makeup-this 2 foundations have medium to full coverage (but still feels light on the skin) and lasts up to 16 hours. You have to quickly blend it coz this foundations dries quick, and remember, a lil' goes a looong way.

    For eyeliner, i highly suggest you to switch to gel-based eyeliner. Brands like Bobbi Brown, Estee' Lauder and Maybelline is good to try. Makesure you apply a thin layer of loose powder beforehand to make it even more lasts.

    For a great concealer, i recommended from brands like M.A.C and also Bobbi Brown-they'll last all day+their shade selections is varies.

    For applicator, most people keen to try to apply it using their fingers-but it'll juz melt the makeup+unhygenic. I suggest (absolutely) you to apply it using foundation and concealer brush, coz it'll make the makeup looks more natural and distribute evenly without streak.

    Good luck (%26gt;_n)
    Powder foundation stays on better than liquid and, as an extra plus, absorbs excess oil throughout the day. I recommend Sephora pressed powder. It's not orange or too pale. For eyeliner, if it's actually falling like powder I'd suggest liquid liner (covergirl makes ones easy to apply) or try a new brand. Rimmel makes some nice ones. Eyelids are the most oily part of the face so your eyeliner could just be sliding off to under your eyes. If that's the case absorb the oil with a neutral eyeshadow powder or eye makeup primer (benefit makes a nice one). That keep the liner stuck on tight.
    did i understand you to say you had the revlon colorstay foundation? or just the eyeliner? what i was going to say is that i can't find better for my skin except in the revlon colorstay makeup, the colorstay concealer and the liner and mascara is all i ever use.and it all stays allday long...check and see if you are getting the right kind for your face.If you have oily skin go for the dry to combo.Every girl friend I've ever recommended this to have all fell in love with it and you don't have to use powder....I use my hand to apply because i always wind up with the blotches you talked about...

    Has anyone ever tried perfect pigment makeup??

    and if so was it good??Has anyone ever tried perfect pigment makeup??
    No, I haven't used it.Has anyone ever tried perfect pigment makeup??
    No, but I just tried Everyday Minerals. You can get free m/up kit just pay S%26amp;H., it works great %26amp; good prices.
    yes, i did.

    I take eye-liner, 2 years ago and it's still good.
    I think it's over-priced for what you get. If you want to experiment with a perfect looking complexion and makeup that is actually good for your skin, L'Oreal has JUST come out with a new mineral makeup called Bare Naturale and it is really priced right -- $12.99 including the brush! It's a competitor for Bare Escentual minerals but is less expensive and a good place to start if you're new to the mineral makeup game.

    What is the perfect makeup for me?

    what is the best ways of putting on makeup?

    and the steps of doing itWhat is the perfect makeup for me?
    Only you can decide which makeup is perfect for you but the ladies or gentlemen at the makeup counters can help you choose your perfect look. They will teach you how to apply the makeup and simplify the steps for! Try Clinique or Estee Lauder.What is the perfect makeup for me?
    It depends what look you're going for and for what environment, but for everyday light makeup:

    1. Cleanse your face. Make-up wipes are easy o use, but can be pricey, soap and water will do fine.

    2. Moisturise your skin and let this soak in and dry for a minute. It is preferable to use a moisturiser with a SPF of at least 20, but any moisturiser will do.

    3. Apply liquid foundation (its easier than powder). Squirt small amounts at a time onto your fingertips and massage it in.

    4. Apply a small amount of concealor on pimples and under-eye bags if needed. If you use a lot, dust some powder over the top to keep it in place.

    5. Dab a little blusher on each cheek Try using a powder puff or a thick brush, and move in a circular motion over your cheekbones.

    6. If you're confident enough, apply eyeliner or mascara.

    7. Lips can totally change your look. Put on a little lip gloss or lipstain for an everyday look. Or, follow the contours of your mouth with lipstick.
    well let me tell you what i do:

    first WASH YOUR FACE.

    then i apply fondation/concelar (make sure you don't put too much, because that looks disgusting)

    then i put bronzer to even out my tone, makes me look less pale since i put the fondation on already.

    then i put eye shadow, i usually go for bold colors, such as forest green or gold.

    then i put on my eye liner (i usually wear black, but sometimes ill wear smokey brown)

    then after i put on black mascara on my top and bottom eye lashes ( i usually put a lot on to make my eyes more defined)

    and that's it.

    hopefully you can use these steps for your make up needs :)
    try different ways
    wearing a lipstick on your lips

    What makeup brand in Lipstick would be perfect for me?????

    I'm light skinned and blonde with a fair complexion. What brand shines, moisturizes,a nd looks pretty, what color would be good too and what are approx pricesWhat makeup brand in Lipstick would be perfect for me?????
    i think lancome and estee lauder havd wonderful colors...try to stay with the natural toned lipstick...all those flashy bright colors i dotn think look pretty on anyoneWhat makeup brand in Lipstick would be perfect for me?????
    Nina Ricci is okay but you have so much to choose from!!!






    either loreal glosses or lakme glosses(very skin friendly)

    How can i do my makeup like Georgia at her party in 'Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging'?

    her skin looks perfect and id really like to know how to do my eyes like hers. can i do my makeup like Georgia at her party in 'Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging'?
    I'd use mineral foundation and a light dusting of bronzer.

    Then get a dark purple liquid liner and line under your eyes with it (but not in the water line) ending with a flick. Do the same on the top lid.How can i do my makeup like Georgia at her party in 'Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging'?
    a foundation that matches your skin !!!

    black liquid liner all round your eye PRACTICE MAKES PERFECTION!!

    use a natural shade of eyeshadow its all eyeliner baby !

    go for nude or a soft pink for lips

    hope i helped
  • beaded necklace
  • How to perfect my makeup routine??

    this is what i do in the morning:

    -wash and moisturize face

    -dab concealer on zits

    -curl lashes

    -put on eyeshadow/liner/mascara

    -put on light bronzer

    -light colored chapstick on my lips

    it's a good routine but is there anything else i can add?? best answer gets 10 points ;DHow to perfect my makeup routine??
    Sounds like a great routine. I think you should add a light foundation or tinted moistuizer. It will help blend in the concealer and even you skin tone. Also foundation protects your skin as long as you wash your face every night. Thoughout the day pollution and impurities in the air deposit on your skin. If you are wearing a layer of foundation they deposit on the foundation rather than your skin and they are washed away at the end of the day. A high shine lip gloss will also dress up your look even more.How to perfect my makeup routine??
    If you have dark circles under your eyes, dab some concealer underneath your eyes and blend!!

    Set that in place with a little powder. And to really open your eyes up, dab a little bit of highlighter or white eyeshadow on the inner corner of your eyes. It will lighten up your whole eye area and make you look wide awake and refreshed.
    It's a really good routine. But, by ''curl lashes'' do you mean with an eyelash curler, or curling mascara? I really recommend curling mascara. An eyelash curler breaks your eyelash at the point where you press down. They are 70% more likely to fall off then.

    And every night, make sure you wash all the makeup off your face. Never sleep with makeup, it's the worst thing you could do for your skin.
    Sunscreen is essential for preventing pre-mature aging, such as wrinkles, sunspots, etc... You should apply it after your moisturizer.
    I would definitely say it's a good routine. Just don't forget to wash your face at night and use eye makeup remover, especially if your eye makeup is waterproof.

    Also, you could add a light powder to your routine to set the concealer to make sure it lasts.
    Here is my routine that I started about 6 months ago and for the first time in my life I get compliments almost everyday not only friends and family but strangers , women at the mall asking WOW what beautiful skin and make up and this is how I got it.

    Bee Luscious Cosmetics

    1. Cleanse Papaya Foam Cleanser

    2. Skin Vitality Mineral Mist

    3. Liquid Powder Mineral Foundation

    4. Safari or Zebra Print Bronzers all over my face , throat and chest area.

    5. HD Mascara in Carbon Black

    6. Color Tides Mineral Compact over eye lids in Neutral

    7. Lip Gloss Wand in Celestial

    It is a AWESOME LOOK for any skin tone...

    Help me please! Alright the perfect date makeup!?

    Alright, tell me what is the perfect date makeup! I have a story behind this question now ha ha! Anyway, I like this guy...we're really good friends. Talk everyday , and we are hanging out at my best friends house tonight. I want flirty pretty date makeup. So he will love me even more than he does.


    Megan ElaineHelp me please! Alright the perfect date makeup!?
    A little nude lipgloss and not too much eyeliner. Thats pretty much it.Help me please! Alright the perfect date makeup!?
    If you can run by the drugstore this will be easy!

    Get a light pink (very light very sheer) and lightly brush it on from inner corners to outer corners, and up a little as you go out.

    Brush on black mascara.

    Brush on a light pink lipgloss.

    Brush on a coral blush, on the cheekbones.
    4 a date i would put black eyeliner put it on the top lid as well, also some makeup powder some eye color a very light 1 if you could ad some flavored lipgloss incase anything happens and last some mascara it mkes ur eyes look more radiant so goodluk!
    I love this tutorial, it's perfect!鈥?/a>

    It's called: First date eyes %26amp; corner lashes

    Perfect everyday makeup?

    suggestions? something that i can wear for school, running errands, shopping, etc.

    i have light brown complexion, dark brown eyes, black hair..

    i'm 19, btwPerfect everyday makeup?
    black eyeliner and mascara is all you needPerfect everyday makeup?
    Maybe this will help you. Basically, I wear a very natural look that still looks flawless and pretty at the same time. So, here are the products I use and how I use them:

    1. I make sure that my face is freshly exfoliated by using a gentle cleanser mixed with a teaspoon of sugar to remove dead skin cells. Weekly, I use an avocado %26amp; oatmeal mask to purge my pores. I use Freeman's Feeling Beautiful. You can get it at the drugstore for around $3. A clear face is the perfect and most important first step to your makeup regimen.

    2. I moisturize and protect my skin from the sun using Olay Regenerist UV Defense Regenerating Lotion. I only use a squirt, and wait around five minutes before applying my foundation.

    3. I use a liquid foundation by Make Up For Ever called HD Invisible Cover. It is used on many models on television, and is nearly undetectable, not heavy, but delivers perfect coverage. It is the number one selling liquid foundation at Sephora, and is water based and noncomedogenic (does not clog pores or cause acne).

    4. I finish my makeup with a dusting of translucent powder so that my foundation stays on longer and keeps oil/shine away. I take a big brush, and just cover my face in a thin layer. I use Make Up For Ever HD powder.

    5. On my cheeks and forehead, I finish my faux ';flawless skin'; with a dusting of Sugar Tropic Tan bronzer %26amp; blush duo compact. I first use the bronzer on the apples of my cheeks and forehead, and then dust over my cheeks with the blush. This gives my fair skin a natural, sun kissed glow.

    6. For the eyes, I use lots of mascara on the top lashes. I like Neutrogena Healthy Volume mascara and I use black. Leave the bottom lashes bare. I then finish the look with a dark brown eye pencil on my waterline (pink part inside of the bottom of your eye). I use Clinique's Quickliner in Dark Chocolate.

    7. And finally, I finish my look with a quick swipe of Burt's Bees Original lip balm. Au natural and gorgeous!

    You don't have to use the products that I mentioned to achieve a natural look, but follow the guidelines and you won't be sorry. Good luck!
    i'm not sure where you are from and if they have the same product where you are but i'm a similar age and by the sounds of it have similar tones. i use maybelline wonder finish makeup. its not too heavy and good on your skin so you can wear it all day but it still gives a good coverage.

    I have light brown complexion, dark brown eyes and black hair too!! And i'm 21.

    Curl your eye lashes with a curler. Apply 2 layers of mascara. Apply some blusher for a healthier complexion. Finally, apply a tint of lip gloss =) Mucho Gusto!
    I would wear a neutral eyeshadow like MAC Shroom as an all over lid wash. It will help you look awake. Then apply mascara, liner the lower waterline and apply some lightly tinted lipgloss and you are good to go.

    Hope that helps love!
    mascara and pressed/loose powder is all i use..

    %26amp;%26amp; sometimes a little blush and some lipgloss..

    works every time.
    Eyeliner and mascara and maybe some lip gloss. :]

    Perfect outift/makeup combo?

    so my boyfriend was away for a few days and i found out this other guy likes me and well i kinda like him...also we might see this girl i really hate...anyways i just really wana look freakin amazing i have really pale skin. blue eyes. and reddish blonde hair....plz help i wana look causual but hot so yeah outifit help and makeup n hair tips plzPerfect outift/makeup combo?
    use brown eyeshadow or liner it shoudl bring out osme blue in your eyes. also if you would go for them falsies are great, long eyelashes make everyone 10,000 times prettier in my opinion.

    How to keep your makeup perfect all day?

    in the morning my makeup is perfect before i leave to go to school. throughout the day though it get oily and smears and i can't figure out how to keep it perfect all day. my first period is pe and it always starts wearing off after that, so i look bad the rest of the day. i do have oily skin but i wash my face with an oil-free product every morning and i put on moisturizer and let it dry before i apply my makeup.

    what can i do to keep it from smearing and getting oily?

    would toner be a good idea to use too before applying my makeup?

    please help! How to keep your makeup perfect all day?
    I use this stuff from Clinique

    It keeps eyeshadow on... for you, i would just reapply some makeup after PE How to keep your makeup perfect all day?
    get some of those paper things that obsorb all of the oils on your face, they have powder on them too so they freshen up your face.

    or bring powder with you to school and do a touch up after PE.

    and you should always use a good cleanser, toner and moisturizer for good, healthy skin.

    that and a fruit based face masque twice a week.

    when you get out of the shower, dont pat your face too dry, and then you put your moisturizer on. the steam helps with softening up your skin and it wont be oily. you can do that right after you wash your face too, just dont wait minutes to let it dry, more like seconds... :)
    ffreshen up during the day

    What is the perfect makeup for me?

    I have a:

    Squashed oval face but not a circle. It might be a square.

    Blue eyes

    Brunette/Blond hair color

    My skin color is slightly tanned.

    I especially need eyeliner color

    PLEASE HELPWhat is the perfect makeup for me?
    1.Choose eyeshadows that contrast with your natural eye color. For your blue eyes, copper, icy pink, lilac, silver or gold would gorgeous!!

    2.White eyeliner on your inner rims brightens up your eyes and makes them pop

    3.Dot a bit of shimmery shadow on your inner corners to really brighten up your eyes.

    4.Dab a BIT of petroleum jelly just under your brow bones to brighten up your entire eye area.

    5.When you do wear smokey eyes, keep the rest of your makeup natural so you don't look too made-up (clear lip gloss and nix the blush and foundation).

    6. Try a coloured mascara and eyeliner, which will draw attention right to your pretty eyes.

    7.Wing your eyeliner out about half an inch for a mod/egyption feel.

    8.Dot a dark brown liner in between your lower lashes. It will enhance your eyes, but will bare;y even look like it's there.

    9.Curl your lashes then coat them with clear mascara to list and seperate without looking phony.

    10. Avoid blue shadow which generally doesn't go good with blue eyes.

    11. Avoid lining your inner rims which will make eyes appear smaller.

    12.Take some time to make your brows look good. Good brows open up and improve the appearance of the entire eye area.What is the perfect makeup for me?
    if its day time use brown eye liner

    best thing 2 do is go 2 a makeup artist and get a makeup lesson. u can get them in most salons or get a free make up consultation in a department store and then get wot they reccommend
    If i were you, i would maybe use brown pencil eyeliner as black may look to harsh against your blue eyes and blond hair. Black mascara and brozer on your cheeks :) x
    Since you are a brunette wear an orange to maroon red eyeshadow, and wear mascara with black eyeliner. : )
  • beaded necklace
  • Perfect makeup?

    how do i do it? i try to wear eye liner under my eyes but it always gets chunky in like 5 minutes and looks HORRIBLE. like all olderteens have perfect makeup. blended perfectly, that white creamy shimmery eyeshadow with PERFECT eye liner and their eyes are dark outlines perfectly how od i get thisPerfect makeup?
    You need to make sure you have a good eyeliner. The reason its getting chunky may be that its cheap stuff. Get waterproof eyeliner. I'd suggest Prestige cuz its really inexpensive and stays on long. You might also wanna try liquid liner for perfect lines.Perfect makeup?
    Virtual Makeover. You can play with colors and find a look you will love. Then it shows you how to apply your new look. Just click the link below
    i suggest go to a department store or a MAC store and get an artist to do ur make-up she can help u with a ll te problems ur facing for ur particular skin type and compexion they usually do it for free and u just buy the products...good luck!
    Ok, go to Macy's and get the attention of one of the makeup ladies. Ask them to put some makeup on you that THEY think looks good on you. Pay attention to the colors they use and the different brushes. Don't be afraid to ask them questions. That's what they're there for. Buy everything they put on you. If you're on a budget, just look at everything they use on you. Remember the colors and brushes, and go to drugstores or Target to get something pretty similar. But buying it from Macy's, The Body Shop, Sephora, etc. will probably guarantee clump-free makeup. And don't worry. The reason the ''older teens'' have perfect makeup is because they went through trial and error and asked many questions. By the time you reach that age, you'll also be looking perfect.
    MAC make-up
    Try a more expensive brand because the cheap ones lay on very thick and turn chunky instantly.
    dunno but good luck!!!

    The perfect face makeup?

    how do i apply makeup to make my skin look great, and what products do i need to buy?

    i was thinking about sheer cover..

    but i dont know what products to use otherwise, there are so many i dont know where to start.





    -anti shine

    idk! help!The perfect face makeup?
    This stuff works for me and a lot of other people I know:

    1) Foundation:;categoryId=B70

    (put a little in the lid, and use the all over face brush, swirl it in the powder in the lid and that lightly apply it to your face) *The best thing to get is one of the Get Started Kits;categoryId=C16490)


    3) Bronzer:;shouldPaginate=true%26amp;categoryId=5737

    4)Lotion: This is a primer/lotion you apply on your skin before applying your makeup (allow it to dry completely before putting on your makeup);shouldPaginate=true%26amp;categoryId=5737

    5)Anti Shine: use the bare minerals mineral veil, put a light dusting over your face when your done with all your other makeup;shouldPaginate=true%26amp;categoryId=5737

    also blotting papers really help, i find that some of them remove your makeup so I find that the MAC blotting film is the best for getting rid of shine without removing your makeup;PRODUCT_ID=PROD1429

    This stuff works for me, hope it works for you ;)The perfect face makeup?
    it all depends on what your skin is like...If you have good skin just dab a little concealer on blemishes or undereye circles w/a concealer brush. Tinted moisturizer is good if you have dry skin or in winter time, just apply that w/ur hands. Foundation-use a sponge (i recommend foundation only if you have bad skin, uneven skin, or are older). Bronzer-using a bigger brush (blush brush usually) you can do a few things. If you want a sun-kissed look, apply it to your sheeks, temples, nose, chin (lightly of course). I prefer to use mine more as contouring so I apply it to the hollows of my cheeks, my temples %26amp; underneath my chin. The best anti shine powder is the Neutrogena kind. it's a lil expensive (9-12$) but it works well. The neutrogena bronzer is very good, too, esp if you're on the lighter side. Have you thought about using a pressed powder like MAC's? That's my personal fave b/c it 's not heavy, but provides a nice light coverage.
    I really don't recommend just experimenting. I tried that and then I would breakout depending what make-up I would use. I would go 100% mineral make-up. Try visiting this site and you will find inexpensive mineral make-up. I can definitely give you some tips and ideas on how to put some make-up on.
    i'm not gonnawrite alot to bore you just try anything. and just see how it looks. expirement new looks and you'll have fun and find the best make up that fits u good luck take care
    Foundation: Hollywood or NoHoGlo mineral foundation from LAminerals. Grea stuff...I love it!

    Concealer: Only if you need it. Green for red blemishes, Yellow for dark spots or undereye circles.

    Bronzer: powder if you are using powder makeup, cream if you are using a liquid or cream foundation.

    Lotion: Non oily moisturizer.

    Anti-Shine: Oil control powder ( i also use this from LAminerals.)

    Hope that helps you some hun!
    the one thing that girls forget is moisturizer..without it your makeup will appear caked on... even people with oily skin ,like myself, should use moisturizer.. i use a shine control moisturizer by clean and clear...but anything will work..use oil free with an spf of atleast 15... iAbout sheer cover.. i have it and i dont really like it .the only thing i liked about the sheer cover was the moisturizer.... i have tried everything from that to clinique and i loooove the whipped maybeline matte is very smooth and has a good amount of coverage.....blush is a must have as well..if you want to look natural use one that matches the color of the inside of your lip...sounds funny but it works for me... use a concealer under eyes and on pimples.. i dont use it but when i had pimples i used a tube of concealer by maybeline as well looked like a tube of lip gloss...good luck!!!!
    just go!

    Could a perfect body makeup for average face?

    Im talking more for like highschool but if you like have a six pack and a perfect body will girls usually not care about an average face?Could a perfect body makeup for average face?
    an average face is okay and yeah the body will make up for a face (but dont think about that cause sometimes neither of those matter and it just matters how you are )Could a perfect body makeup for average face?
    Everyones idea of '; perfect '; is different.
    what really matters is that u have a great personality..looks aren't really that big a deal for me and lots of other girls.
    the perfect body is usually hidden under clothes.. a good personality will go a long way.. =D

    also people usually notice the face the color of eyes and hair, a nice smile...

    don't worry so much about looks~ you don't want to get stuck with a superfical girl..

    Perfect skin [makeup and acne question]?

    1. what make up would give good coverage and not add to the acne problem i have and also give the apperance of perfect skin?

    2. what products will help eliminate acne?

    thanks :)Perfect skin [makeup and acne question]?
    ALMAY!! they make their stuff so that it gives good coverage and doesnt clog pores and some even helps clear blemishes so it will get rid of your acne and cover everything you want coverd it's also cheap and doesnt have bad stuff in itPerfect skin [makeup and acne question]?
    1. To get rid of the acne gently, use dr. hauschka sincare. the products work instantly and clear up your acne in around 24 hours.

    2. To cover your acne and to give you a naturally healthy look, you can't beat mineral powder foundations. I use lilylolo. It is in powder form so just brush it over your face (you only need a small amount) and if you can still see your spots, just press a tiny amount into the spot and blend.) this make up will also help to heal your skin as they are made from minerals which can't breed bacteria. Its so gentle that you can sleep in it!
    You should use skin clearing concealer by almay. This concealer has salicylic acid which treats acne and it's colored so it covers up and heal at the same time. After that just use powder foundation by almay (the same skin clearing formula) so that it can cover imperfection and also absorb shine from oily skin. This product also clear acne.
    For the makeup try Benefit galactic shield. Its a concealer laced with salicylic acid which will treat your blemish as well as cover it.

    I personally really like Neutrogena acne stress control power foam wash. Use it twice daily and once a week use a mask.

    My favorites are Mary kay clarifying mask and Queen Helenes mint julep mask.
    i use TRUblend by covergirl, because it's the only brand of makeup that comes in my skin shade.

    but you'll have to use a concealer too.

    as for a product, i suggest you visit a dermatologist.
    neutrogena coverup treats blemishes as well as covers them up. if you buy it at walmart i think it comes with some foundation too...
    i would try using the new ponds cream they haves out. if that doesn't work just use alcohol and hot water... nightly. with a thin layer of vaseline..

    Girls, what is more important to you, getting your Hair perfect or your Makeup perfect ?

    =PGirls, what is more important to you, getting your Hair perfect or your Makeup perfect ?
    Hair perfect..

    I can go out with no make up and expose my natural beauty (lol hahaha).. Rather than having make up on but your hair is totally messy.. Though I like messy hairstyles a lil bit hahaha.. =]Girls, what is more important to you, getting your Hair perfect or your Makeup perfect ?
    hmmm..... thats a hard one. I will be grumpy if either of them dont look good. I think makeup is more important.... wait no hair... wait no makeup.... hmmmm..... im gonna go with hair. AHH! okay.... seriously this time makeup. *coughs the word hair* lol :)
    I like both to be perfect. =] But i don't mind if it gets messed up either. I remember one day when i was walking home and it started raining really badly... My hair was drenched and i had mascara running down my face. ¬_¬ Damn non-waterproof!!! lmao
    hair! mostly because my hair is uncooperative. and makeup is simple and fun. but hair is just a pain in the ***.
    Hair! I usually don't wear makeup (unless I'm taking pictures of myself or I'm going somewhere important!)
    Well since makeup is not an option for me, then hair.

    But I usually have a very messy hair look so it really doesn't matter how my hair looks, haha.
    probably hair because i'm only 13 and i don't wear much makeup anyway

    Im a girl.

    I'd say hair, because make-up teds to make you break out.

    So yeah.
    Sorry, more important to keep my brain in perfect condition. I never know when I might actually use or need it!
    hair :P definitely
    Make up.


    I can work with messy hair.

    But a bald looking face bothers me.
    My hair by default. I don't normally wear makeup.
    I like both to be perfect but as I don't wear make up most of the time I'd go with hair being perfect.
    neither it's all about the outfit
    Hair =)
    Make up
    I feel confident if my hair looks good.So i will say Hair
    Its all about the hair man.
    having a brain
    er-both! But i think makeup is pretty important u can always throw your hair up in a ponytail but what about our faces?
    Both !

    make up!!!!! :]
    got to be hair honey x
    hair :)
    hair..I don't really wear that much makeup xD
    My hair, I don't really wear make up anyway.

    The first answer is stupid. In my opinion.
    my hair.
    i don't really care.. i guess if i'm going out my make up.. but if it's just everyday i'd say hair.

    I need pics of the perfect smoky eye makeup?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>I need pics of the perfect smoky eye makeup?
    google kate moss. but try urban decay in a dark silver, and blend it with another darker color like midnight blue, with sephora glittery liquid black eyeliner, curled eyelashes and mascara and nude lipsI need pics of the perfect smoky eye makeup?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
  • beaded necklace
  • Best makeup? Perfect amount?

    Right now I'm struggling with some very bad makeup brands and every day I am putting on a different brand or amount. I would really like a good mascara (I have blue eyes), eyeliner, eye shadow set, lip gloss, and foundation. I have a mild amount of freckles. Please help me find a non expensive solution. Online websites would be great! Thanks so much!! :)Best makeup? Perfect amount?
    i LOVE MAC%26lt;3 (:

    their MAC Studio Fix + Foundation amazed me! (:

    it was $30,

    %26amp;%26amp; it lasts about 6 months or more. :D

    they quality is amazing. (:

    %26amp;%26amp; they don't animal test. %26lt;3

    %26amp;%26amp; if you are not satasfied with the product,

    you get a refund. :DDD

    but i didnt refund. :D

    i loved the coverage,

    natural look,

    i just loved it. (:

    but if you're tryin to save on money,

    people are talking about this brand called E.L.F (Eyes Lips Face)

    i haven't tried it but i took a look at their website %26amp; youtube

    its REALLYYY cheap,

    but people say the quality is amazing

    like a brush for a dollar, mineral makeup for five dollars, eyelash curler a dollar, take a look at their stuff. (:

    hope i helped %26amp;%26amp; good luck! %26lt;3 (:Best makeup? Perfect amount?鈥?/a>

    She has some great tutorials and such and she even includes her favourite makeup brands etc.
    I'm sorry that u have bad make-up brands and really the only good make-up brands are expensive. And I wouldn't look on youtube if you want to find good cheap make-up brands because we all use MAC, Sephora, and NYX pro. Except NYX is really cheap compared to MAC. So I would look at and see if they fit your price budget. But i like Maybelline Collasal mascara, revlon eyeshadow, and Milani lip stick. I also love Bare minerals foundation but it is on the expensive side. ($25) Also use darker colors (not like black but just darker) because of your blue eyes. It will make yours eyes pop. Aslo I like Coastal Colors Palette. It's 88 colors for $26!! (quite a deal!)

    Hope this helps! =D

    some pple says its kinda cheap but i have fallen in love with it afta my first use!

    i used to hate it bu its reli good n der at a reasonable price n free shipping worldwide!

    hope i helped
    Dinair airbrushing makeup is great, they have a paramedical line that covers acne, tattoos and rosacea flawlessly and doesn鈥檛 leave make up lines. You can even use the foundations can also be used to create blush, eye shadow, eyebrow color and bronzer.

    The best site I have found for both prices and customer service is

    Tips on how to get your makeup PERFECT!! Like emo makeup?

    Emo makeup isnt perfect. But a way to keep your makeup looking perfect is paying attention to detail such as making sure that your foundation matches your skin well and that it is blended into your jawline. This will stop it from looking ';mask like ';. Using a scrub and having a daily cleansing routine will help keep your skin clear and clean whilst keeping dead skin at bay, which when wearing makeup is important as it will stop skin from looking flakey. When appling mascara always wiggle the brush from side to side to make lashes look more defined and stop clumps, using an eyelash comb after putting on mascara will help too. Using concealer will help make your skin look flawless and always use good brushes and makeup to keep makeup at its best. I would reccomend MAC brushes and makeup. Yes its a tidge pricey but i use them all the time and i dont think i'll use another brand again.Tips on how to get your makeup PERFECT!! Like emo makeup?
    Emo make-up is very very simple.

    Apply an eye primer, it's important to get the depth of black you want, and it keeps it from fading and creasing.

    Take a black pencil, one that easily blends and line your eyes. Don't do anything fancy with this like cat eyes. This is just a base. Make sure to get as close to the lash line as possible. Blend.

    Get inky black, preferably matte, eyeshadow, and apply using a medium shadow brush. Don't go past your crease. Then take a clean blending brush and blend the heck out of it so it fades as it gets closer to your eyebrow.

    Take a small shadow brush and apply the eyeshadow underneath your eye. Take the time now to get rid of any shadow that has fallen on your cheeks.

    Now take your black liquid liner and do cat eyes if you wish, it's not necessary. Put pencil liner on your lower water line. Apply false eyelashes if you want, I like the effect they have, then put on mascara.

    Blot out your lips with concealer and apply a pale lipgloss.

    Ta Da! Perfect emo make-up!Tips on how to get your makeup PERFECT!! Like emo makeup?
    I'm assuming with ';emo makeup'; you mean lots of eye makeup.

    Always moisturize and use cream-based eyeliner instead of pencil, or you can use liquid. Always powder before eyeshadow. And make sure you use a mascara comb after applying it so it doesn't get clumpy! Hope this helps.
    1.) Start applying your eyeliner to your bottom lashes( make it thick so it looks fake.)(i should know because i do this everyday and i am emo. XD XD)

    2.) Apply under the eye to give you thick lashes

    3.) Then apply to the top lash line and make it thick

    4.) Then after appying to the top, go over it with liquid liner so it will stay all day.

    5.) Mascara...LOADS OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6.) if you want you can buy this eye shadow and apply this too


    Hope i helped ya XD

    Choose me for the best answer please! X XD %26lt;3

    Makeup perfect for me?

    Ok so I really like Mischa Barton's makeup(natural but yet noticeable looking) is I want something similar to hers.

    I am white complected with yellow undertones

    I have hazel eyes I would like for them to look green since sometimes they do.

    And I have brown chocolate colored hair

    What is the best makeup for me?? Eyeshadow, eyeliner, etcMakeup perfect for me?
    hey Jen I am a make-up artist so I should have the right answers. Firstly don't follow any one elses trends or make-up settings, make them your own !!!! secondly, Jen your a golden girl in my opinion. any yellow based colours are definately for you . The best lip colours are plums, berrys,classic reds and dark (not hot ) pinks almost red( but not bright). best eye colours are: Lilacs, Golds, Bronze and champagne. light mascara and light eyeliners with a light pink blush.Makeup perfect for me?
    Try using brown eyeliner, since you are going for a more neutral look. You would probably want to use a light lavender eyeshadow to bring out more green in your eyes. Then use a light peachy/pink blush for a natural glow. Top off your lips with a light color lip gloss or you can just go with chapstick. Oh and for more of a pop use mascara!

    What is the lightest shade for Sonia Kashuk Perfecting Liquid Makeup?

    I have very pale skin and was wondering which shade was the lightest for this product, because I was going to buy it. Thanks.

    (Cream, Bisque, Buff, Vanilla, Bamboo, Camel)

    I was thinking it is either cream or vanilla but I'm not sure which. I also heard someone say bisque before. I don't know :0

    PLEASE HELP! You cant really tell by looking at the bottle.What is the lightest shade for Sonia Kashuk Perfecting Liquid Makeup?
    I would go with Vanilla - you can try it on in the store by putting a little on your finger and then smoothing it around your neckline and check it out in the mirror.What is the lightest shade for Sonia Kashuk Perfecting Liquid Makeup?
    Bisque is the lightest .

    Thursday, December 3, 2009

    I need help making my makeup perfect.?

    Me and my husband are going on adate to the beach I need makeup tips that match my White dress!I need help making my makeup perfect.?
    Yes go very vey neutral. It won't look like you are trying to look like you have make-up on but you will still be pretty.I need help making my makeup perfect.?
    wear DARK makeup it will bring out your eyes
    First start on a clean canvas, apply a tinted moisturizer all over your face , or you can mix a bit of your everyday face moisturizer w/foundation, then make sure your eyebrows are groomed, apply a coat of eyebrow gel to set them I like Benefit's Speed brow gel, next you can use a brown eyeliner to outline your eyes then apply a copper tone cream eyeshadow on your lids and under your eye I like Benefit's creaseless cream shadow in Busy Signal, it really doesn't crease! Next you can curl your eyelashes to make your eyes look bigger, or you can just jump to next step, apply a coat of your fave mascara, Next if you want to go with a nude lip then you would apply blush on the apples of your cheeks in a circular motion maybe a shade darker than your complexion, if you'd like a pinkish lip make it sheer and apply a sheer pink blush in the same manner explained earlier. And walla you will look amazing yet effortless.
    u can wear dark lipstick (red) and put your hair up in curls.

    good luck
    go very neutral on the make up and light around the eyes.. maybe do like a shimering but not so much light brown... with a copper tone blush... that will make you look radiant...n the lips do a plum color from Lorreal...
    I agree with Nancy P. but be careful to wear good colors - I mean, if you are kindof wintery colored, like me, you wouldn't look too good in most earthtones. Also it seems almost everyone agrees that you should wear dark lipstick - but you may not look good in dark lipstick. Or maybe you look unfortunate in lipstick too light. My aunt looks like a lipless zombie if she goes to pale on the gloss - but if I wear it too dark, my face looks like the world's fattest creampuff!

    I do agree, though, that you should go natural, keep your foundation to a minimum, and shatever you do, don't paint your face white to *match* the dress! :D
    i say you should use a light blue eyeshadow, some masscarra, and eyeliner, maybe a powder foundation if you have oily skin

    Help me find my perfect makeup?

    I am 21 and have battled with acne my entire teenage life, i have battled it sort of speak but still breakout if i miss washing my face just once ...

    I want to change my makeup cause i dont think i am wearing the right kind at all.

    my skin has different tones in it and is darker under my eyes, i have somehow lost my glow i have always had and dont know why. it really bothers me, i think i look older then i am and should. can you please help me figure out what kind to wear.

    i currently wear almay powder and conceler. i am willing to change to something more expensive to just have my skin look the same tone and smoother and get that glow back.

    i know i can go to the bon ton or macys and have then help me but that is really a waste of my time cause they are just trying to sell their most expensive products.Help me find my perfect makeup?
    Ive tried bare minerals its 60 dollars i don't like it that much. But i do like Loreal rare minerals i love it and its 12 dollars kept my skin clear got it at walmart.Help me find my perfect makeup?
    If you want your ';glow'; back I would recommend trying BeneFit That Gal face primer. I find it really gives your skin a bit of a sheen but without the oiliness. It really provides a nice canvas for when you apply the rest of your makeup.

    Drink lots of water, that will keep your skin smooth and glowing. Once a week try this: Dip a washcloth in hot water, and press it lightly to clean skin, repeat this 4 or 5 times. Then exfoliate and use a moisturizing mask.

    Best of luck!
    Bare Minerals does wonders. It is a super-fine powder from Sephora, but it is a foundation. It conceals better than any liquid concealer/powder combination I have ever used and it doesn't cake. Not to mention, it is so pure that you can even go to bed with it on and not worry, should something like that happen. You can get it at Macy's, I believe. It really evens up your skin tones, and it only takes a very, very small amount to do the job. I have darker tones under my eyes as well, and this is great. Even with inflammation I have seen it conceal very well. A small case is about $15 and a larger one is $25, but well worth it. I hope this helps :)
    Go to superdrugs/boots and try on the try me's. Your sure to find the perfect one then.
    I would definitely suggest using makeup that is lightweight if you breakout a lot. I am a big fan of Mac makeup. It's high quality and and has a very large variety. Here is a link to a veriety of different kinds! Hope it helps!
  • beaded necklace
  • If you have your perfect makeup from drugstore brands why switch to High end brands?

    Ive been wearing makeup since i was 13 and made alot of mistakes, i have all my staple products and know what works for me best,, I use clinque moisturizer, murad eye cream, but for my makeup i use almay foundation, max factor mascara, loreal eyeliner, loreal shadow, maybelline lipstick and gloss.

    I have the prefect look with these products and people even ask me if i had my makeup profesionally done alot.

    I tried switching to the high end products, honestly did not care for them or for any makeover i have been given in the counters, i always do a better job..

    So why switch? i recently brought a whole bunch of products on the reccomendation of kim kardashian and wound up returning everything because it looked awful and cheap on me,, and me and her have very similar features-im armenian too and thats why i brought the stuff-thought it would look good since we look a little alike-i was wrongIf you have your perfect makeup from drugstore brands why switch to High end brands?
    If you've found your perfect makeup and like the way you look, there is no reason to switch. Stick with what you know works and what you like.

    I love makeup and have tons of it from all different brands- from $2 drugstore stuff to expensive high-end brands. While I feel overall the high-end stuff works better for me and gives me what I want, there are some really cheap brands that I love and some high end brands that I thought were horrible. Even within the same brand, there may be certain colors that are better quality than others. If it works for you, who cares what brand it is?If you have your perfect makeup from drugstore brands why switch to High end brands?
    Well I have noticed there is a huge difference between drugstore brand eyeshadows and MAC or Nars. Those two brands have higher pigment more of a color selection and different textures to their eyeshadows blushes and bronzers. I think there are great brands at the drugstore. I love Mabyeline mascaras as well as L'oreal mascaras and eyepencils. But when it comes to pigmented products I tend to stick to the higher end brands.
    well it doesnt really matter which brand you buy, just as long as- for example you dont buy a high end moisturiser , if it has oils in it, thats the only thing. really, you can get cheap stuff that works best- usually from a drug store. their make up and facial stuff is better, however look at high end make up, cause sometimes they last a bit longer- eg mascara that neutrogena advertises...ect
    I usually only buy my concealer, fondation, and powder from high endstores(MAC). Only because i've found they don't dry out my face. I have very sensitive skin, and have realized i get red, and itch.

    It shouldn't happen to everyone though. But i stilll buy my lip glosses, eyeshadows, eyeliners, and mascaras from drugstores(and sometimes highend stores)

    hope i helped.