Thursday, December 3, 2009

If you had perfect skin, would you still wear makeup?

I often don't anyway, but I sometimes use a bit if I wake up, look in the mirror, and feel like jumping out the window. If I had great skin, though, I would go totally natural.If you had perfect skin, would you still wear makeup?
Umm i wouldn't put any foundation or cover up on which i don't now but i would probably put alittle eyemakup on.If you had perfect skin, would you still wear makeup?
I have not so great skin, I don't wear make-up because its false advertising.

When I did wear it and once i washed it off and see that i don't look like everyone thought i did all day, its a pretty big self esteem crusher because I felt like a lot of people wouldn't look at me twice if I wasn't wearing make-up.

So now I don't wear it, ever, and i know people aren't just talking to me because i put on a clown face.

My personality tends to show much more than my skin anyway.
I'm not being up myself or anything,

but i have really good smooth skin to be honest.

Sometimes when i feel like it i'll wear a little bit of mascara and maybe some eyeliner on the edges.

When i go to a party i'll maybe use a bit of foundation to cover a pimple if i suddenly get one or something.

But everyday to school i don't wear makeup. Only sometimes mascara.
now that i've left my teens, my skin is pretty good so sometimes on weekends or if I really can't be bothered, I won't wear any. I'm really pale though so I like makeup for a bit of colour. Sometimes I wear makeup but not foundation, just the colour stuff like blush and eyeshadow so I don't look too washed out
If i did have perfect skin i would wear a little make up....not blush or fondation, but id maybe still wear a little eyeshadow or eyeliner to emphasize my eyes i would also wear mascra. I would also wear lip gloss.

But that would be totally awesome if i did have perfect skin!!!

XoXoXoXo xOxOxO

Love, Little Miss. Lollypop
since 7th grade i'd had really bad skin, acne, acne scars, the works, suddenly this year 11th grade it went away, even the scars!! so i have relatively, as good as it gets, almost perfect skin for me, but i will probably always wear shadow and maybe gloss and when i feel festive blush!!
i have great skin right now and i stil wear makeup but only my eyes. I leave the rest of my face alone because i don't want to break out... on special occasions ill do blush but for the most part only my eyes:]
yes. I like applying makeup. And I like the athermath. I like messing up and seeing my mascara all over my toplid. =]

Thats one of the main reasons I wear it. I just LOVE make up.
I have an uneven skin tone (my skin is redder on my cheeks and nose) so I use foundation there.

I wear eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow.
Probably not.

That's the reason I wear foundation.

But I would still wear eye makeup, since i don't wear much anyways . :)
only eye makeup [x

answer mine!;_ylt=AlhOjMSWVARCXZc3tlQc5kzsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080709230149AASi96y
I would still wear it, I'll be honest lol, because I wear a lot of makeup on my eyes and it would look weird in contrast with bare skin.
I'd still wear make up.鈥?/a>
ofcourse, were talking of the skin and not the face coz everybody knows what make up does to the face.
if i had great skin, the only make up i would use is clear lipgloss and mascara, to make my eyes look bigger and fuller =]
No ... in day time or to the office ...

But it's more polite to have make up when going to parties ...

or some formal meetings.
would use a tinted mosturizer or something not too heavy probably. then blush mascara..
Me too.

I would just wear Eye makeup.
if you wore makeup it would make you look even better
if i had perfect skin i wouldn't wear cover up. just eye makeup bronzer and lip gloss
no way.

lol my goal in life is to get perfect skin so i can stop buying makeup (cept for eyeliner and mascara)


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