Thursday, December 3, 2009

How do celebrities look so perfect?(makeup)?

does ne one kno any make up that covers up soo good like celebrities, how does there face look so fake can u buy that kind of make up to do that? if so what kind is it???How do celebrities look so perfect?(makeup)?
Well, they have professionals do their makeup with the most high end products, along with photoshop and plastic surgery

Shu Eumera (i think thats how you spell it) makes really great foundation, its expensive, but high quality

trust me on this, dont compare yourself to celebrities, its completely unfairHow do celebrities look so perfect?(makeup)?
Airbrush cosmetics, and constant reapplication. Plus, what you see on TV and in magazines has been digitally retouched, so their appearance isn't what it actually is in person.
dude its called adobe photoshop, i took photography and learned all about this tool called ';cloning'; which whatever blemish they have is removed like magic there not perfect, and have imperfections just like us all !
well probably stuff like mac, nothing drugstore.

and also they have professionals do their make up 99% of the time.

ok sorry that wasnt very helpful ):
Airbrush, makeup artist, pounds of makeup, photoshop.

Not necessarily in that order.
Airbrushed makeup done by professionals.

Seriously, they wear A LOT, too.
Photoshop and professionally done makeup lol.
haha, its called 'proffessional'.
its called airbrushing

same thing as they both said photoshop and professionals

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