Thursday, December 10, 2009

How would i get my eye makeup like this? It looks so perfect.? would i get my eye makeup like this? It looks so perfect.?
First off, get black eyeliner and black mascara and a light gold eyeshadow.

Apply eyeshadow on lid.

Then, apply the eyeliner on upper lid right above your lashes and go to the outer corner of your eye and make a cat-eye look. Then apply the eyeliner underneath your bottom lashes.

Next, put about 3 coats of mascara on both lower and upper lashes.How would i get my eye makeup like this? It looks so perfect.?
She's wearing thick mascara that looks chunky on her eyelashes so she probably just caked on a few layers, and she is wearing eyeliner directly on her eye line, not under the eye. So put it on the layer that is above your bottom eyelashes and put eyeliner directly on top of where the eyelash roots come out, for your upper eyelashes. Maybe use a light shiny eye shadow to dust off your eyelids and make it glow and pop out. Just experiment around, you can always wash it off and start again! Good luck!
use a dark black mascara and a bit of gold eyeshadow! you'll look great.
Go to a cosmetics counter with the picture, then practice until you get it the way you want. As you practice, you will no doubt discover some additional looks you like!
You can do it yourself with just mascara and thick eyeliner. If your hand isn't steady then get someone you trust can do a good job to apply it for you. I do mine like that all the time.
go to a mac store,

theyll teach you.

or any cosmetics counter.

like at dillards or something.

Well. My first impression is that picture is airbrushed/photoshopped.

But it looks like she used a thick kind of cat-eyeliner and some bronze eyeshadow.

Also you have really good taste for makeup cause that looks gorgeous (:

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