Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm 13, and I was wondering wat's the perfect makeup 4 me...?

u can give me your answers at the messen id anutza_anushk , if u want...:dI'm 13, and I was wondering wat's the perfect makeup 4 me...?
im 13 and i have blue eyes and blond hair. i use black eyeliner all around my eye on top and bottom. i use black mascara on top and bottom. i use pink or gold eyeshadow. i also use coverup and sometimes concealer. i dont like lipgloss or lipstick so i dont use it. everyone on here is making a huge deal but where i live EVERYONE wears makeup and i have since i was 12 . i love it. i dont get how some ppl say ohh only wear a little lipgloss and a little bit mascara.......tahts stupidI'm 13, and I was wondering wat's the perfect makeup 4 me...?
just don't wear make up.or put some which is naturally and feet ur color
I feel a power that has minerals in it talc will give you a natural look.

Bare essentails and Physicians RX makes wonderful mineral based products for any skin but it is light and reflects light and has two great points

1) Doesnt clog pores

2) Look SOOOO NAtural
The Correct Answer is NONE or the Least possible..... The most reasonable answer is, it depends on your skin-type, which at age 13 is undergoing numerous changes and differences at present and for about 5 to 8 years more... Best bet is to check out the ALMAY Products as they are HypoAllergenic, and you can punch up on the computer a source for a great Line called, Ahava, which is from Israel.......
No make-up is good make-up for you
use a beige colored eyeshadow and mascara. dont use black eye liner, too harsh for your age. use a fun color like blue or green. {match your eye color} then use a little blush and a lipgloss that is no more than 2 shades away from your natural lip color.
13 is when you start experimenting with what makeup works for you.. try a little eyeliner.. a neutral shade of eyeshadow.. and some lipgloss.. nothing major.. makeup should always look natural
I think at 13, your skin is too beautiful to wear makeup. If you must wear something, use a pressed powder foundation and a little lip gloss. You don't need much.
believe me you only need lip gloss ur still in middle school, enjoy it
I don't know why our little girls want to grow up so fast. You have natural beauty. All you need is a little lip gloss and you are good to go.
just a little bit. i wear light blue or light pink eye shadow and blush. brown or khaki eyeliner and brown mascara ocasionally/rarely. with a tinted lip gloss thats all you need.
lip gloss
you don't need much, just some lip gloss.
Covergirl yay lol
At your age, no makeup is the best of all. If you don't use the right makeup, you will start clogging your pores at a very early age and may get skin problems you wouldn't have had without using any. Still, if you have some slight imperfections you wish to cover up, the best bet is to use a natural based makeup that uses no or very little chemicals in their products. Try Origins...they not only have a fantastic makeup line that is all natural, but their skin care products are also the bomb! They are a bit pricey though for a 13 year old unless you have your own may need Mom to help with the cost. Above all, have a light hand when applying any makeup!
For a 13 year old I would go with lip gloss and eyelash curler.
I would wear fun bright colors that could go with what you are wearing on your eyelids. Maybe just a little mascara.
on make up your to young
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the perfect make up for u is u r natural beauty
whatever one that gose best with your skin tone
Woah. I wasnt even allowed to put eyeline when i was 13. now im 15 and i am allowed to put as much make up as i want but the thing is i was told that if you start putting make up at a young age most likely you will get more wrinkles when you're older. Thats why i put make up when i need to. If I dont need to black eyeliner with a little of lip gloss will do.
Keep it lite and soft.If ant at all!!!!
bright colors that match your eyes
A nice natural look..maybe a light coat of foundation..and some eyeline and mascara.thats what i wear and it looks great.but i gota brown eyes and tan skin.but it look great as i said b4

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