Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My best friend thinks shes perfect with her makeup?

My friend just recently started wearing makeup like maybe about 2 weeks ago, not that long ago, but anyways she wears it like to the extreme, I mean she wears the whole packet like everything and she looks like a clown and it is really irritating me that she can't tell herself ';I better take off this makeup or I'll look weird'; I mean everyone talks behind her back and when I'm eating lunch with her, everyone looks at me saying in their minds ';why the hell does she hang out with that clown';. I mean I know that for a fact because one of my other friends who doesn't really hang out with me, we are just friends, she told me people talk about me and I can tell too. Anyways I need to tell my friend somehow to stop using that because she is just naturally beautiful and she told me she wants to use makeup because she thinks it feels good on her and it fits her style and it doesn't, it actually doesn't. I don't want to stop hanging out with her, you know shes cool and everything.My best friend thinks shes perfect with her makeup?
TELL HER TO STOP WEARING SO MUCH! without hurting her feelings of course. she can still wear it, just not so much.My best friend thinks shes perfect with her makeup?
Ask her what she thinks of Tammy Fae Baker and her make-up If she thinks she looks silly tell her that people are saying that about her and it really makes you up set but you have to agree because you really care about her as a friend and would want someone to tell you if you were doing something embarrassing to yourself.
tell her wats been goin on. if she still wants to wear makeup then let her i mean its her life and who cares wat people say= ]
Hey, I totally understand about trying to talk to your friends about stuff like this. Perhaps it would be awkward for you to talk to her outright about this; maybe you should try getting your point across indirectly (in this case). For example, fool around with a camera, take some goofy photos, ask her to pose like a model, pose for a few yourself! And either get them developed or load them on the computer, and show her exactly what she looks like. You'll be surprised- often, photos show things we really don't see ourselves. When I first started putting on foundation, I thought I looked awesome. But when I saw myself outside in the sunlight, I convinced myself the light was hitting me at the wrong angle and there was no way my foundation looked like a fake mask. And then we had some family friends from out of town come over, so naturally we took pictures and stuff. And when I saw how I looked- well, it really shocked me. My first reaction was: oh sh*t! I really do look like I have a mask on...amongst many other flaws. So try this with her instead; when you're going through the pictures, casually mention what you've been hearing behind her back (but be sure to do so with good humor; it's not much fun to have your friend be upset with you and place all the blame on your shoulders). Hopefully she'll realize her error and fix it before further damage is done. Remember, a picture says more than a 1000 words! Hope this helps :)

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