Thursday, December 10, 2009

What do you think is the perfect age for makeup?

By makeup, I mean like anything; Eyeliner, Mascara, Foundation, Eyeshadow, Lipstick, Blush, etc. and not just ';A tad of this and maybe just a little gloss';.

I see many people saying some ages are too young for makeup, yet most people have started way earlier than that, and as ';hard as it is to believe';, a 11+ year old is responsible enough to wear makeup.

When I was 12, I was doing most of the chores around the house, babysitting, volunteering, and making straight As. In my eyes, I believe that's responsible enough just to wear make-up.

Yet, many still think girls should only wear makeup after they're 16 or 17.

What do you think is the perfect age, and why?What do you think is the perfect age for makeup?
I agree, I think 13 and up. Not because when your 11 your not mature enough. When I think your 11 or 12 you should still look youthful. Your suppose to look young but i think what people mean by mature is that they shouldnt look so mature. At 11 I think there is no way they should look as though they are 17.What do you think is the perfect age for makeup?
Whenever you want,

everyone is entitled to their own choices...

I'm 15 turning 16 and I just wear eyeliner/mascara and blush on most days, occasionally eyeshadow...

I started wearing a bit of mascara sometimes in 7th grade and then started wearing it everyday in 8th grade, and then added eyeliner and mascara to my makeup in 9th grade... Now I'm in 10nth grade and wear mascara eyeliner and blush..
i think the perfect age for makeup is when the go to highschoo l(so 14+) I say this because no girl should feel as though they have to wear makeup in order to look beautiful. A young girl may see makeup as a way to look pretty and then their self confidence of themself naturally will decline and they will feel like they have to wear makeup in order to look nice. An older girl can realize that makeup is not necessary and is only for accenting your natural beauty
16. You can be a mature 13 year old but make -up makes you look older and people will treat a 13 year old as if they are older, exposing them to influences they might not be ready for. You can be responsible, that isn't the issue, it's how other people will treat you.

With a whole life ahead in which to be an adult, take your time to be a kid.
I think that you could wear make-up when your 12 as long as they dont make it look bad if you know what i mean. I'm 12 and I wear make-up and my mom says I look fine. I think 12 is when girls are mature enough to start wearing make-up but for some girls i would say 13.
i saw girls wearing makeup at 10 and 11 years old. loads of foundation. i wonder what their skin will look like in the future *shudders* i think when you hit high school [14] is the perfect age
15 or 16.

I'm sixteen and I just barely started to wear mom only let me wear eyeliner and a bit of foundation before that.
12-13 is fine
13 up
um....14/15 when youre in highschool just remember less is more
In my opinion, I think a girl shouldn't wear make-up till 16 or 17. And when I say make-up, I mean like the works, not just a little gloss, and some mascara and foundation. I don't know, I think sometimes seeing girls any younger than that is kind of odd. The girl can look like she's trying to hard to be older and not look her age, and at times a bit silly. I think 16 or older is a better age because then she's is less a kid and more of a woman. Her body is developing, and she's entering woman-hood, meaning full body developing and the works, you know? But of course this is just my opinion =)
i think that when 14 is an ok age to start wearing make up on special occasions or going out to dance parties or whatever. but i don't think tonnes of eyeliner is ok, just a bit for fun.

16+ i think it's ok to wear it whenever you want.

what makes me think this is girls shouldn't feel like they need to wear it, we should encourage them to feel beautiful the way they are and not like they should always be trying to change themselves. too many girls have eating disorders and self esteem issues because society says they're too fat, not pretty enough, etc, etc. so i think parents and everyone else should be encouraging girls to be happy with themselves and not forever trying to look better with make up and diets.

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