Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How do I get wedding perfect makeup?

I will be doing my own make up for my wedding. Im a young looking 40 don't want to look too made up but, would like for my eyes to pop and my skin looking smooth.How do I get wedding perfect makeup?
I did my own makeup. I used a little eyeliner and lots of mascara. Make sure to se foundation and powder and a little color on your eyes. Congrats! And I hope this helps.How do I get wedding perfect makeup?
oh my goodness,....?cant you go to a makeup artist? well, use dark colors on the eyes like smokey colors (brown, mocha) and use covergirl powder for your face that works for me!!!
i don't think you should worry about ';wedding perfect makeup';. I'm sure your inner beauty will also define %26amp; shine your outer beauty. You should just go ahead %26amp; put on what you usually put on, if it's not much, i don't think it will matter. The bride is usually always beautiful no matter what. These days, the ';naked look'; is in style %26amp; looks more elegant than any other type of makeup's. When i say naked look, i mean a nice lip gloss, light eye liner, light mascara %26amp; light on the liquid foundation if you want your skin looking smooth. If i were you, i would not wear the foundation. You only need to look your best during the wedding ceremony. After that, it's PARTY TIME! all that make up you decide to wear will end up oily on your skin as you eat, then dance the night away. So, keep it light %26amp; comfortable.

Go to the mall and get one of he free makeoevers. Not sure if all Dillards, Richs, Macy do them but they normally get products especially for that purpose so people like the look and buy it.

Another route is Mary Kay. Always a good product!
Congrats on the upcoming event. I think it's great that you will be doing your own makeup, but I am pretty restricted in making recommendations based upon your limited information given. If you want your 'eyes to pop' the best way to accomplish this is to use subtle color application that will accentuate your eye color. I like to refer to the color wheel to select the colors that bring out best the client's eye color. For example, the opposite of blue is orange on the color wheel, and using a rusty shade of brown along with some creams, even a little gold can achieve this effect nicely for blue eyed gals that still want a look that is natural enough to work in a bridal setting.

For some good ideas that would be specific to your face, coloring and features, I would recommend that you go down to a MAC department store counter or free standing store if you're near one and book a makeover. The very best ideas that you'll get will be from a knowledgeable person who is able to take your specifics into account and make very personal recommendations. General suggestions tend to offer fairly mediocre tips, and I hate to say this, but any advice general enough to apply to everyone is probably not the advice that will work best for YOU, since the tips have to be watered down to apply to everyone's coloring, etc. This is one of those days/events when you will be glad to have a specific strategy, personal to you, and your preferences. No set of general instructions will ever work for everyone unless your expectations are very, very low.

Depending upon your area and store, it might be free, or it might require a nominal purchase, such as 15 or 25, which shouldn't be hard since they'll be using products that flatter you.

An important thing to decide and discuss, and a perfect thing to bring up at a MAC makeover/consultation is to learn about the different foundation types. This is an event when you should consider that your current, regular foundation (or lack of foundation) is not the best choice for your wedding, as some finishes/coverage level/ingredients aren't very photogenic or best for this kind of event. What looks good to the eye doesn't necessarily translate well to flash photography. During your makeover/consultation, ask about the best choices for wedding makeup and having them match your skin to the best color. You'd be shocked how many people are using a slightly off color for their foundation, such as using a pink-based one instead of yellow-based foundation when their skin has yellow undertones. Ask for a few samples of different foundation types to try, and make sure you get a sample that you can hold next to your current foundation to compare. You might find that an adjustment is a flattering improvement for you, not just the wedding event. Skin finish is such an important part of the overall look, not just for the big day, but how it will appear in photographs that I think it would be worthwhile to consult with a MAC counter for that issue alone.

When/If you schedule a makeover, make sure you tell them why you are doing this, and ask them to book you with the manager, asst manager, or ';the best artist available'; to consult about makeup choices/look for a wedding. Let them know you want someone who will be good with giving feedback and prepared to offer a lot of information that will be helpful. You might even ask if its possible for them to book you at the beginning or the end of the day so that you can have a bit extra time for your appt. By your preparing them, it will be a service to you. While MAC has a stict policy about not expecting/pressuring people to buy things, I would certainly prepare them ahead of time with your expectations and goals because they know that many women who are there for your purpose DO spend a lot of money. That doesn't mean you will or have to (or should feel obliged to) but it does help to assure that your consultation will be the very best one it can be.

Finally, as a makeup artist, I'm going to ask you to be very specific about what you hope to accomplish and what is most important to you. Don't sit there and make someone guess what you would like, and if you don't like something, let them know so they can correct it. The great thing about makeup is that it can always be fixed, so you should say something ASAP. If you want some really good ideas, go in there with a list of questions, and be very clear about what it is you hope to walk out with.

The more information you provide, the more questions you ask, the more you speak up, the happier you will be--makeup is so subjective that what is attractive and ideal for someone is brash or ugly to another. Also, go in with an open mind, and be willing to try something new, instead of the few things that you tend to normally choose/wear.

Other tips:

1. Stay away from highly matte, maximum converage foundation. Matted, thick foundation can appear very whited/ghostly in photos. Instead, try a light foundation that allows your skin to show through with the adequate coverage necessary where your skin needs it. Aim for a lightly dewy finish, as opposed to shiny or very matte. There is a delicate balance between this. Also, avoid too much shine, glitter and shimmer in your makeup for a similar reason - too much skin glimmer can make you look greasy or like a big disco ball.

2. Experiment quite a bit before the event, and ask people for opinions. Try to wear your hair in the way that you will when you experiment, so that you get a clearer idea of what the final effect is. For example, if you will be wearing your hair up, you don't need to spend the time to do ';that'; updo, but do pull your hair up so that you can get the idea.

3. Finally, definitely take photos of your experiementing, and have a few 'dry runs'. Take pictures with flash, without, and in a variety of lighting settings so that you can be sure you're not overlooking a problem that others will see or that will drive you batty after the day is over

4. I am not sure how skilled you are with your brows, but another good suggestion is to have your brows waxed and shaped about a week before your event. Someone can have a perfect face of makeup, but if their eyebrows are wrong, it really takes away from the total look and will diminish the overall effect. In the same respect, if your brows look great, you will look better before you put on a stitch of makeup. They are really the most influential feature of your face, I think.

Even if you think your brows are not bad, having a professional with a trained eye to really clean them up, shape them, and show you exactly how your brows should appear, as balanced and following the correct geometry points that will flatter your face. If you don't know exactly what points the brow should end and begin, where the highest point of the arch should be, how wide it should be, etc. make sure you let the pro know that you'll be doing yours for your wedding and you want to know exactly where and how to finish them, along with any advice he or she can provide.

5. A final tip: When I do wedding makeup/formal makeup from time to time, something I always do that is greatly apreciated by the bride, is making for her a little 'kit' for the big day that will allow you to touch up your makeup and have the items handy. I suggest a good neutral pinky toned pencil, lipstick and gloss, a tube of waterproof mascara, powder compact with mirror, a handful of q-tips (to touch up smudges), a few kleenex, a little tin of mints, and if your eyes get red or puffy, you might want some visine and a little bit of concealer. If you're prone to headaches or back pain, don't forget to throw in a few tylenol or ibuprofen. Appoint someone you trust who will be close to you and reliably available to hold your little touch up kit (sometimes it's the maid of honor, the mother, or someone who won't be far away). I've gotten them to fit inside those little tiny wristlets and you'll be happy you have something that will be easily available and apart from your purse or the big collection of makeup and toiletries. Also, once you go on your honeymoon, you can rearrange it a bit to fit your needs while away from home.

Good luck!

p.s. I almost forgot. Of late, I've been using Lip Fusion as the lip base for brides, especially those who don't have full lips. Lip Fusion is one of those products that has a lot of hype for enhancing lips and making them full, but it actually works great. I use it almost everyday, and people I've used it on seem to be thrilled with the result. I buy it at Costco for less than the dept. store price, but I would highly recommend that you consider it as a special gift to yourself for your big day. Especially for someone who wants to emphasize eyes, having a nice full, natural look would be very nice and afford you a way to create a nice lip look without using a dramatic lip color (that would detract from eyes).
Have it done professionally. Have one meet you at the church right before you walk down the isle, that way it will be nice and fresh.
hey its your bug day! get it done by a profecinal at the mall, and if you like what they did or used, ask them!

if you want your eyes to pop, i would use a little bit of eyeliner
go to a cosmetic counter and ask for a free make up job. most are helpfull and will do it up nicely.

good luck and congratulations!!!!!!!
Invest in a facial at a local spa. Make sure you do it in enough time to let any irritation which may occur to heal. This will set a good base for your make-up. If you don't want to do a facial, buy some exfoliating face cream. Look for one that has small, polishing spheres. Anything with ground up nutshells or other large abrasives could get into your pores and clog them.

Use the creme to wash and look into a nighttime renewal cream for your face and eyes. Get hydrated and sleep enough.

No product can imitate real, fresh skin that has been cared for.
I am a makeup artist and i here are some steps for you to help you with your special day. Also you can use any type of makeup that you like.

How to Adapt Your Makeup for Your Wedding Day

Your every blush, smile and kiss will be recorded on film, so your bridal makeup needs to be picture perfect. It should cover any imperfections and highlight your features, while appearing subtle and pretty. Venue and event time play key roles; you'll want to adjust your makeup for day or evening and for indoor or outdoor lighting.


1. Flip through bridal magazines and search for pictures that capture your ideal bridal look. Keep these pictures on hand for guidance.

2. Consider having your makeup done professionally. If you decide to do it yourself, have a free professional makeover before the wedding and ask for detailed instructions on how to achieve your desired look.

3. Choose the most lightweight foundation possible while still getting the coverage you need because heavier foundations will look more obvious.

4. Wear waterproof eye makeup so that tears of joy or the heat of summer don't make for streaks or smears.

5. Use various shades of shadow to add definition to your eyes, then add a hit of liner for drama. Resist the temptation to go for bold lines, bright colors or glitter, unless that's your usual look.

6. Curl lashes for length and definition but skip the false eyelashes. You don't want to risk having them peel off or rotate throughout the day.

7. Stick to a soft and delicate tone for lipstick, as bold or dark colors might be overpowering. Remember to match the hues in your blush to those in your lipstick.

8. Contour your face with blush or bronzer, even if it's not part of your daily routine. It will give your skin a healthy glow and subtly define your features.


Pluck your eyebrows or have them waxed the day before your wedding. If you or a makeup artist play with them the morning of the wedding, they might appear red or blotchy in your pictures.

Consider a lipstick that has staying power. All those kisses and sips of Champagne will leave you little time to reapply.

Opt for a foundation that contains sunscreen if you plan to have an outdoor wedding.

Or go for the natural look. Make sure u do a mask 1 a week. Keep it mositurerized.


Apply Makeup to Achieve a Natural Look

This system of applying makeup for a natural look is fast and easy.


1. Understand that a 'natural' look is one that uses colors that are right for your skin tone. How much you use, and where, depends on your personal style.

2. Make sure your concealer is yellow in tone since it mutes imperfections without adding color, giving your skin a natural look.

3. Apply foundation that matches your skin tone. The right foundation will seem to disappear on your face. If you are African-American, it's a good idea to have light, medium and dark shades of your foundation to allow for different gradations of color on different parts of your face.

4. Apply eye makeup in earthy tones'beige, brown, gold or plum for shadows and brown and charcoal gray for liner and mascara. Skip liner or shadow entirely if you want to keep makeup light.

5. Choose a blush color that is close to the color of your cheeks after you've exercised.


Choose brighter or darker tones for a stronger, more made-up look.

Intensify your natural makeup for evening. Instead of brown, for example, go for charcoal around the eyes. 'Pop' blush with a brighter color over your usual one. Make lips brighter, darker or more shimmery.


Don't skimp on makeup tools. Better tools make applying makeup easier and faster.

Hope that helps.
You could try this: go to a department store and find a cosmetics clerk who's makeup you like. Ask if she/he can give you some pointers (or even do your makeup for you). Take notes, then practice a few times on your own before the big day.

Oh, and it would be nice if you bought something too -- so you weren't completely wasting their time. Maybe you'll find that perfect eyeshadow or foundation or lipstick that just makes everything else POP.
better find a professional in your area

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