Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What is the perfect makeup look to go on a date?

For my date I want to look perfect, not too severe but not too casual. I am not positive about what we are doing I know we are getting something to eat and then going a movie. I am really nervous and want to look perfect! If anyone could tell me what products they use and any application tips that would be so great... please help me because I am basically freaking out!What is the perfect makeup look to go on a date?
You want to be taken seriously and how we apply makeup can turn off a person also. You want to go natural colors like beige, tan, white for your eye shadows this is how I do mines when I just want to be natural I put on a lot of eyeliner on the top and on the bottom it makes your eye look elegant and pop out so he can stare at how pretty your eye are that night. Then on the outer corner of your eye lids apply a dark brown eye shadow just the corner but also blend it in so it don't look like a spot.鈥?/a>

you can also use a little bit of blush to make you look awake. I hope this helps.What is the perfect makeup look to go on a date?
I wouldn't know the answer to make-up tips since I am a guy - but - I always prefer the ';less is better'; look myself.
Only use makeup if you know its your excact shade and color. Well depends, if you have any blemishes on your skin, conceal them if not dont put any foundation on. Rather use a little blush. Put some eyeliner on just your top lid (thinly) and use a eyelash curler then apply mascara. Then some clear lipgloss would set it off. Good luck on deciding what works best!
As little makeup as possible. Otherwise you could end up looking like me.
Light and simple can make u look perfect because u wont look like u tried had to look beautiful, its almost like a goddess thing where u R naturally pretty. I suggest covergirl makeup, of course ur skin tones but application is important. Remember ur going 4 light and simple which leads 2 flawless.
So light and fresh, but not natural. Use your regular make-up, foundation, powder, a light blush, etc. For eyes, I would recommend Almay...they have those sets of 3 colors that are supposed to be best for your eye color.

If you have green eyes, though, get the set for brown eyes. You're actually supposed to wear the OPPOSITE of your eye color to bring them out and for some reason, Almay has a set of green for green-eyed ladies. I have green eyes and use the set for brown-eyes. Very nice.

Those sets also come with directions on where and how to apply the three colors...I was clueless as to how to do 3 colors on a lid before I got those.

For your lips, go with a light gloss, or some lip smackers, even. Make your lips kissable, even if you don't plan on doing any kissing. ;)
this is what i think you should do go get cover girl and use peachier sort of blush and then then put on eyeliner and then maskera but not tooo volumized and then this light color of eye shadow that has a little sparkle in it then use their lip gloss if u want go 4 a strong lip gloss so it will really show ur face because for some reosen when u put it on ur lips it looks natural and pretty but if u want slight then put light pink
First, don't freak out. If you look pretty good without makeup, don't put too much on.

Go for a natural look, with stronger eyes waterproof eyeliner (only on top lids), brown/black waterproof mascara.a clear lip gloss on your lips to bring out your natural lip color. If you wear foundation, seal it with a neutral face powder.

Waterproof eyes because in the event that it rains or he takes you to a movie that makes you shed tears, you won't look scary.

Relax and smile.

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